Hotdog stands at fossicking areas!!

Prospecting Australia

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Sep 28, 2014
Reaction score
Gympie, QLD
Well hi guys n gals lets do a little thinking of creating a hotdog stand /franchise permitting its success at general fossicking areas....
1. Would you purchase food products from a mobile stand?
2. Where is your most frequented fossicking area?
3. How many people would you see there and when?
4. If a stand was permenantly there weekends would your fossicking increase?
5. Would the smell of food during a dig deter you from proceeding?

Imput is essential please comment .

The next hotdog stand you see could be a fellow prospector from this forum .... :D Stoyve
yobskin said:
Well hi guys n gals lets do a little thinking of creating a hotdog stand /franchise permitting its success at general fossicking areas....
1. Would you purchase food products from a mobile stand?
2. Where is your most frequented fossicking area?
3. How many people would you see there and when?
4. If a stand was permenantly there weekends would your fossicking increase?
5. Would the smell of food during a dig deter you from proceeding?

Imput is essential please comment .

The next hotdog stand you see could be a fellow prospector from this forum .... :D Stoyve

1. Yep, would be your best customer :)
2. Nice try :p
3. zero other than my crew.
4. No, but I would be fat & jolly
5. nope.

I can just see it, ...."would you like a pinpointer with that?" :cool:
As long as you set it up over 10t of clean sand, had a cashier with the DTs and gave me exclusive rights to detecting I would be a patron.

At least I might come away with some gold every time I went out.
1. No, You would not find me. :lol:
2. Would you like some GPS coordinates with that. :p
3. No one. They would be trying to find me. :cool:
4. It would decrease as they were trying to find me. 8)
5. Yes, It would keep the "fly's" away from my favourite spot. :D
LOL, Good One.
mate top idea !!

i'll get back to you shortly with coords for my patches ;)

i sure do get a bit hungry after a big session finding chit loads of bullets :cool:

tis amazing how they sound like gold :8
Hahahaha who has the time to sit in the bush cooking hotdogs waiting for the cling clang of a prospector... :D
Have a laugh lads wont kill ya, but my "hotdogs" might. :lol:
I know a spot that would go down real well for this.
Oallen Ford.
As long as the charges are reasonable. :lol:
Thanks yobskin,
I will always support a local business when possible.
You better hurry up and get down my way soon
I'm sure you would be a total success with only one client,
ME !!!
Bring it on, along with paramedics and an icu unit.
Cheers stoyve ;)
Back in the 1970's and 80's there used to be hot dog vendors around Sydney city, catering to drunks. They had little steel carts on wheels that were like a small rectangular wheelbarrow, and were parked by the vendors in areas with lots of pubs. The carts consisted of a water bath for the dogs, a container for buns, and a section with watered down sauce and mustard in plastic squeeze bottles. The whole thing worked on a metho burner hidden in the inside somewhere.

The vendors were pretty desperate characters, mainly denizens of boarding houses and only one step up from the homeless warbs. It was rumoured that there was a hot dog king who organised the vendors and their territories. Needless to say, their product was not exactly haute cuisine. Dogs were of the all ears and arseholes variety. One vendor I remember had a pair of tongs that were black, pitted and corroded from retrieving the dogs from the acidic water they were warmed in.

You knew you had had a big night when you bought one, and knew you had a really big night when you enjoyed it.

I'm sure your product would be of better quality!
DrDuck said:
Back in the 1970's to drunks. They had little steel carts ......... areas with lots of pubs. The carts consisted of a water bath for the dogs, a container for buns, and a section with watered down sauce and mustard in plastic squeeze bottles. ...........

The vendors were pretty desperate characters, mainly denizens of boarding houses and only one step up from the homeless warbs. It was rumoured that there was a hot dog king .......................... Dogs were of the all ears and arseholes variety. One vendor I remember had a pair of tongs that were black, pitted and corroded from retrieving the dogs from the acidic water they were warmed in.

You knew you had had a big night when you bought one, and knew you had a really big night when you enjoyed it.

Gee Whiz Doctor, that's being a bit judgemental isn't it. :/
Being a very keen follower of our great Pub Bands during the 70s & 80s I encountered many of these guys and a few girsl too.

Yeah, sure a few were a bit dodgy but the ones I patronised in many parts of Southern Sydney and Inner West were pleasant guys with clean rigs, clean utensils, nice soft fresh rolls and nice thick sauce and decent serviettes. There was never anything wrong with the dogs either and I never got crook from one but I sure have been crook from a few hamburgers and chinese feeds and club meals in me time.

They were enterprising blokes and from conversations with them they all owned their own gear. What they did have to put up with was a lot of shyte at times from some who were a bit too sozzled and unable to find or control their intelligence or manners.

There always one creekbed in the river.. :D
Come on dont get bogged down im luvin laugh in ages.
I was going to do a vegatarian style substitute dog..for those delicate eaters... ;)
Free electricity for cash paying customers...rough gems will be accepted only from reliable sorce. 8)
I have 1st aid skills for any emergency ...if a quick zap from the genny dont save ya at least there will be plenty of shovels around. Lol :8
Yes yobskin,
Plenty of shovels and lots of people who know
how to use them and the holes are already
Its a win win situation, the land gets restored
and fertilized for future regrowth ;)