Hi Canberra newbie here

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Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
Been looking at the forum for a couple of weeks and have done some sapphire fossicking in the past.

I liked WalnLiz YouTubes. Great info.

Anyway as like everyone else I'm busy but try and find the time to get out.

No pans/sluice/highbanker yet - but do have sieves etc.

Looking forward to warmer weather so I can try local i.e. Grabben Gullen/ Wee Jasper.

Look forward to hearing from you all.
Welcome rockpuppy,

It's good to see you finally taking the plunge and joining the forum. I hope you enjoy what the site has to offer and please don't be afraid to ask questions, there's some great knowledge here to tap into.

Welcome aboard rockpuppy, I'm sure we'll bump into each other a GG or Wee Jasper

Look forward to seeing some of your stones in the gemstone section ;)


Probably - I'm also on AussieSapphire as well.

To many commitments just waste fossicking time.
Hi rockpuppy

welcome to the forum. Great to see more Canberrans on here.
Am thinking of heading to Grabben Gullen sometime. Hopefully see you around.
Welcome to the forum Rockpuppy, and good to talk to another local. Hope you find the forum gives you a great insight into all things prospecting related and helps you with your research. Best of luck out there on the stream and look forward to catching up one day..

Cheers wal.
Welcome Rockpuppy between this forum & ALF you'll soon be out on the field learning