Heatho's Equinox Madness 2018

Prospecting Australia

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golddiggerart said:
Very good mate....Were you cherry picking or was there only Goldies in the park? :) :Y:

Was cherry picking mate, lots of trash there, all ringpulls, bottletops and canslaw mostly, the Nox sort of just teases out the goldies from among it all. :) Got plenty of trash targets too though that sounded good.
Hit a heavilly eroded beach this morning after the powerful surf that's been hitting the beaches around here for the past couple of days. Had to get out as cabin fever was setting in. Nothing really exciting though I did find these 2 odd looking lead tokens with elephants on them. Had a quick google for them and they seem to be some type of Indian ritual tokens. The guys who work in my local grog shop are indians, might go and have a chat with them and ask if they know.





Hit the same place this morning though I managed to do part of the eroded area until the tide came in. The surf was still rough too and was getting quite dangerous where I was. With a 30 foot cut above me I wasn't keen on that collapsing or the surf drowning me. :D I detected nearly to the rocks at the end of the cut, it looks smaller than it actually is in the photos, it's probably the biggest beach cut I've ever seen. Was hoping for gold though it's not as popular beach this one compared to most that I detect.



Great finds Heatho, nice beach cut, big storm over here at mo won't be long and I will hit the beaches. :Y:

Looking forward to seeing the results Kev, hopefully plenty of treasure gets unearthed.

Thanks Westoz, pretty consistant around here on the goldies and silver jewellery at least, I detect a lot more than I post. The Nox is pretty much well and truly paid for, my goldie bucket is pretty full, will most likely cash it in at the bank next week. Just gotta get the gold jewellery tally up a bit. :) :Y: