Guy gets punched over a detecting spot.

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Chuky boy said:
I camped down at slaty creek Camp 2 one night in creswick. This shady character in a commodore sedan drove down to my camp site about 5 times and would just park up and watch. There some really messed up people around.
Creswick state forest isn't a good place to hang around at anytime by yourself Chuky. It's seems to attract a fair few unsavory ferals unfortunately. I've had a few lots drive back and forth slowly past me at times and i've even had the local coppers tell me to be careful leaving my truck unattended off the main tracks and going too far away.
SCROUNGER/Chucky boy it could be dudes protecting their dope crops that are close by? I have a few mates that live in Ballarat area and they say a lot of marijuana plantations have been found around the Creswick area. Who knows but either way you still got to be careful especially when you're on your own.
walshie1000 said:
This story is about me and my friend steve. We were detecting a hillside down from some diggings near ballarat. There's heaps of ground there to detect and I'm more than happy to share unlike this nutter.
In hindsight, laying him out probably wasn't the best approach however I didn't have time to think and it sure was effective.
I just hope this bloke learnt that there are better ways to approach others when you think you own that particular section of the state forest. I hope he is reading this enjoying some nice warm soup through a straw

sounds to me like that bloke was lucky that your a good man :D
Next time the friend off the friend that kO may pull a gun and shoot the f**ker .

Stop any Violence there is always someone with better :)

Talk nice :)
Jeesusss, you blokes down south have it tough!
Violence in the city, violence at sporting events, boat ramp rage, and now your not safe out bloody bush!
This country really needs to drop this politically correct stuff, that has changed our culture, to us (well the majority)being
Turned into victims of crime for the the druggo, no respect for anyone youth on meth.....because the courts say " oh, he just needs to be loved, he, s from a broken home, he had a bad childhood...." PC is turning us into pussy, s because we make excuses for others bad behaviour, through fear...don, t call them that, it might offend them, and make them angry....mentality, rant over.
I had some tosser start lobbing rocks at me last year at slaty creek, still got a scar on the back of my head. Up above #3 campground, went back a few weeks later and found about a dozen plants after a bit of careful hunting about.
Good on you for decking the fool Walshie, maybe he'll think twice next time.
You find a lot of burnt out cars around the forests of Creswick.
This sounds a bit like the dudes that held up the coppers in the bush,near Ballarat,bit of more than they could chew.
Regards Frank
We as detectorists should be able to stop for a chat, share the bush and not step on each others toes. If any one of us deem a spot particularly profitable a claim is the answer. Or don't go home until your happy you've cleaned it out.
Anyone that knows me knows I share my spots with friends and openly show any passers by my finds and tell them where I found them. If I'm lucky enough to find a few and my mates don't I share it around and swing them a piece or two.
This is how it should be!
I'm not in it to get rich and just enjoy the hunt. Nothing better than seeing that yellow in the scoop.
We all dream of that retirement nugget but I think for the most part that's not why we all do it. There's easier ways to make money.
Its a real shame that people like this exist not just in our hobby and ruin it for others. Unfortunately these brain cell poor individuals reproduce and continue their inferior line of genetics and no doubt poor parenting techniques.
On a lighter note, heading back to the same spot tomorrow with steve to get some more yellow we hope. Happy to share the spot with old mate if he chooses to head out for a swing.
In one of the major GPA's I have been to the atmosphere is far from friendly ................... sadly. In one week I met one old digger out there that was a top bloke and he was a local and even gave me a swing with his Z. We spoke of the "attitude" and he agreed in general wasn't good in the area from both visitors or locals. Asked him about seeking private land to detect on in the area and his reply was quote "Don't even bother, I'm a local and live here and even I have only one place on private land I can go"
I'm packed and about to head off at the moment and on reflection the attitude was so bad it is even making me hesitant to go and probably will only because I refuse to let others stop me from doing something I enjoy.
I'm hoping I just copped a bad week :rolleyes: but trust me I won't be going without my mate winchester in the passenger seat. ;)
Its no different up here in gympie....
Give them advise show them where the colour is...or how to get it...a week later your site is raped. Unfortunately this happens a far bit even though there is 2 acreas to dig they dont want to do the hard yards and clear there own spot....
There is a gold producing communial pit 5m away ....the funny thing is they left evidence that says it was move.
Sad state of affairs. Generally go out by myself, well sort of. Take this guy along with me :)
Well now I know why I see so few like minded people out around Cresswick, they have obviously all been scared off. That could mean only two things, I am in danger and need a partner for back up or More Gold for Bob?
Good on ya Walshie, although it is a sad state of affairs, That is bloody funny in a sad sort of way,

I was working an old field where I found a Roman Villa and I knew there was something there So I pegged out a 10 meter square and it is very heavy with Iron junk anyway I was just having a coffee and a smoke and this guy rocks up and starts to detect in the area I pegged out so I just went over and just watched him and he got the Idea to leave and then while he was near by I dug the targets he had swept over and missed, Lol needless to say he stormed off and went home, He must have caught me on a good day. I thought at the time to Tear him a New One just for the bloody cheek of the bloke but something just wasn't right about the whole thing and I knew that he didn't have a Snowballs chance in Hell with the Detector he was using and I thought it was funny just to watch him waste his Time, and to this day it still makes me smile.

The finds are nice but I am out there just to have a good time and as long as people don't mess with that I remain pretty chilled,

Thanks for the replies guys. Its definitely an incident that will be remembered by myself and Steve for a long while. We went back to the same spot on Sunday just gone and didn't see our not so friendly fellow prospector. Hopefully its drama free prospecting from here on, made me realize it can be very handy having a friend to go swinging with for support with whatever situation presents and more importantly.... To enjoy the hunt together.
:D ...being 6'4" and weighing 105kg swinging a 40" pick handle....i never seem to have this problem. :/

Perhaps some more digging time or gym will help Steve bulk up???? lol

Sad to read, but glad you sorted it in quick time.

Mind you, with the growing number of ice-heads roaming around, i guess it's only a matter of time...

Peace. :cool: