Gun Barrel Highway WA to NT

Prospecting Australia

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Aug 8, 2013
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Hi to all..does any member have information about the Gun Barrel Highway WA/SA
Im interested in doing some exploring and fossicking..i see on large Shell Map numerous waterholes etc..any ideas where i can get a more detailed map and maybe locations or areas where fossickers/prospectors prefer?
Many thanks in advance.
Its bloody rough out there, I nearly destroyed my prado and van out that way last year. Worst bloody track I have driven.
Only gold along there is near Warburton but most of that is on aboriginal land. Plenty of good spots once you get near Wiluna.
If you have a smart phone/iPad download memory map, it has a free 250k map showing the route. I would do a screen shot but it won't fit on one page.

...thanks diggerdude for the info...i have yet to get a vehicle or detector so many things to do before i go look. thanks to for the 'memory map' idea i will look online at it as I'm not yet connected by smartphone..thanks again
All i know about the GBH is that my grandfather was one of Lenny Beadell's diesel mechanics whilst building the "highway".
we have lots of aboriginal artefacts that were given to him and that they found along the way, as the crew passed through countless miles of traditional land, and a heap of really cool photos from the time also..