
Prospecting Australia

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Thanks folks, but firstly there was no heroics as I was bogged too so had no option but to walk.
This stretch of country no winch or turfor or burying anything will help you get out. I have both a winch and a turfor.

It is in channel country where flood waters from both the east and west drain to, digging down I never hit bottom. The ground is that soft you couldn't even use a jack to lift to place logs under the wheel.
The only trees to winch from are small mulgas, and all you do is pull them out of the ground.

When I'm up that area in a few days I will take some photos and post them here. We are going to try and get some sort of compensation out of them for track repairs, plus I want my tin of tuna and 2 minute noodles back!
You did a good turn (very well done) but the lack of preparation of these travellers is irresponsible and I can understand how narked you would be about it.

Even if they had epirbs etc, it would still have cost the authorities a crap-load to rescue them from their own poor planning and lack of preparation.
BigWave said:
Guys, no matter how well prepared we are, we'll still get into these. Ease up a little on us grey nomads please. We're at the end of our lives - are you?
With respect BW, I've just read the entire thread again and see no slur anywhere aimed at grey nomads. In my initial post I mentioned a couple "in their 70's" and saw a reference in another post to "retired couple". I think you are reading in something that is not there or implied.

The stupidity I see out here almost daily during prospecting season spans all age groups and is most certainly not limited to the elderly.

Caught an ex copper the other day where he shouldn't be, he's over every year and goes where he pleases and never rings to let you know he's on the station.
We were chatting about rubbish etc and he said he cant understand people leaving it about the bush and he just bags his and drops it down a mine shaft. I did my lolly!
Reminded him 1, it eventually makes its way into the water table and 2, it's illegal. The local towns provide bins and a free tip.
I know full well it fell on deaf ears and he will continue to do it.

Found a dead cow the other day too. Shot in the forehead and half its rump carved out.

We used to allow dogs and just caution people we bait and shoot any dog seen that hasn't got a muzzle on.
Not any more. Blanket ban and no dogs at all thanks to some unit in the van park flapping his gums saying that if his dogs take a bait he will shoot the pastoralist.
Just makes you wander why people think that they can do anything they want to. No regard for anyone else but themselves. What type od society have we become?

And people at my work tell me that we have to respect them. Yeah right.


I take it you're in the channel country in FNQ or somewhere similar?

Have you seen exhaust jacks? (I just tried to post a link but I can't do that yet. Just do a google search and you'll see what I mean)

They're brilliant. Easy to use and made for soft ground, whether clayey or sandy (beaches, creek beds, etc). One person operation. Huge vertical lift. Big lifting capacity. Perfect for those occasions when you can't use a roo jack or even a conventional bottle jack
they are good and the price range to $340 down to $100 lift 4ton
however the main problem i can see is i would have a flat battery as well so veh wont start (i have murphy ride with me)
Hi Zen, no in WA but we've had over double the annual rain fall already.

Have used the exhaust jacks before and they would work well on 90% of the station....except this damn spot. Even if you get the vehicle up enough, no matter how many logs and rocks you put under the wheels the weight of the car just pushes them further into the ground. It's like it's bottomless.

The other main reason I didn't try an exhaust jack, is because I didn't have one!

Not far up the track there is a ute that was bogged back in the 80's and is still there! If you were to choose one place on this station to bog a vehicle, this is it.
I carry enough recovery gear to get myself out of most places by myself, if I can't I always have plan Redbacks.
Yeah we have had a wet summer eh? Good for the land though...

Bugger about that spot then. At least you know where to send unwanted visitors! ?
madtuna said:
Even if you get the vehicle up enough, no matter how many logs and rocks you put under the wheels the weight of the car just pushes them further into the ground. It's like it's bottomless.

Perhaps explains why you haven't found gold there, an ancient sink hole /depression.
6 O'clock in the bottom of this pic you can make out the track they got bogged on. It runs parallel with and crosses the channel in a few places. They would have been bogged within a klm or so of where I took this photo a few weeks back.

And yeah RM, there's probably gold there but way too deep.

madtuna said:
6 O'clock in the bottom of this pic you can make out the track they got bogged on. It runs parallel with and crosses the channel in a few places. They would have been bogged within a klm or so of where I took this photo a few weeks back.

And yeah RM, there's probably gold there but way too deep.

Ya'd really have to ask yourself, in the bigger picture of things ;) ;) where exactly were they heading ,.... specially if the ground is soft enough there to let even gold dust settle to the depths, where they got bogged then was definitely not their intended final destination ,.... so somewhere beyond the photographical horizons lay the target of all their industrious research, a target, that their lust for gold made them try to push on through an impossible quagmire to try their luck for the retrieval of. A target that calls one to press on with total disregard for better judgment, .... were they on a wish, or a whim, or a sure thing. :p
Now that makes you wonder hey !
EDIT IN: or, were they just total idiots ! :lol:
Ha! Love it!

I did ask them if they had any idea where they were going and nope, just going for a drive to see where the track went. They had an SDC and a Garrett Ace 250, a shiny new Miners Right and no clue.