Growing your own fruit and veges I love this time of year

Prospecting Australia

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Jul 29, 2013
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Hi All

Just curious as I get real excited with this time of year. My Nectarine trees are full of developing fruit (there is nothing as good and luscious as a ripe nectarine) and my vege garden including my tomato plants are powering on and climbing the wire and strings.
We harvest tomatoes for months and we grow all our veges from seeds from the year before so my season starts in July in the hot house !!
Does anyone else love their garden and growing things?
I remember my Gran and my aunts preparing and filling the big glass jars jars with fruit and layering them real nicely and putting them in the pantry to have with double cream throughout the year Yummo. This was back in Murtoa where I grew up many moons ago. :)
I loved growing my own organic veges until the possums moved in and the pawpaw tree keeps getting attacked by flying foxes. We also have the fruit fly problem in QLD
I still have all my garden beds(empty), compost bins, composting worms, chooks, and a couple of fruit trees and heaps of cherry tomatoes growing wild. One day I will get back into it.
I use to have competitions with my cousin who gets better tomatoes. There was lots of cheating and sabotages going on but it was fun. :D Now all I grow are just chillies for my missus as she likes spicy food. Also I keep chickens and have not bought an egg in years. I like growing my own but just don't have a time at the moment.
I'm a little limited by space at the moment, but I currently have about 35 corn plants in, planted about 7 weeks ago, with a view to planting 40 or so more next week. No tomatoes yet this year, hope to still get some in, but very late I know. Got a small crop of beetroot and carrots, about half way there, and the standard chillies, herbs etc. The small fig tree is booming, but my mandarin tree is frail, might have to try again there :(

Heaps of sunflowers in the front yard, with another 20 or so in punnets that I started about 3 weeks ago. They can go in next week too :)

My girl has 2 cooks at her place, hopefully we can fit a few more in when we move in together :)
Gotta love a Vege garden. We have fruit trees. Apple, orange, mandarin, native lime, Mango, fig, peach mulberry and banana. For various reasons I don't have much of a vege patch this year. I do have 50 or so chilli plants in though. Growing some of the super hots. Love making the jams, sauces and pickles from our own garden. Have a barter system going where I swap fresh fruit and bottled stuff fo eggs etc. I have been considering getting bees as well.
Ive got a nice little veggie garden going, this year I've got raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, corn, beans, peas, lettuces and tomatoes growing, plus all the usual herbs. The kids love it! Everything tastes so much better too but it takes a lot of effort, last year I think we picked over 20kg of tomatoes from 6 plants, I was making sauce for weeks! I'm trying to get some chillie and capsicum seeds to grow but nothing yet, I really struggle to grow them. It's a strange season in vic so maybe next year I'll have a win.

If only I spent more time trying to get some gold I would probably be better at it and have more than a few specs, 20kg from 6 holes would be nice... :D One can always dream.
I think everyone has an off season for something. Last year I had so many chilli's I had to give them away. This year I couldn't raise a seed !!
We normally get about 100kg plus of tomatoes from our plants. They are awesome tommys. I originally got the seeds from my hairdresser who is an Italian who's dad and grandad have been growing them for decades. We have not had a poor crop in years as we treat them like part of the family. They are firm and tasy and are huge. Some are six inches across easy.
We always take our seed from the lowest and largest tommy that is ripe first, never failed.
Like Ramjet we make sauces and pickles for use all year round.
i got almond tree's, lime trees, chilli, plum trees, apple tree, fig tree, apricot tree, love this time of year!!!
nothing beats the fresh fruit my daughter like the apricots :)
We bought this house and moved in 3 months ago, the first week I planted a dwarf apple, grafted apricot, lemon and an orange tree.
I have 2 tiny apples and 6 apricots at the moment. The veggie garden is going to wait until we get other more important jobs done so we can give it the care and attention it needs, I've never had a veggie garden but got hooked on watching Vasilis Garden on ch31 and been hanging out to get one going, Maresi :lol:
isolation said:
Ramjet said:
Growing some of the super hots

Got to love the Habaneros!

Habs are not so hot ;) 10/10. I have some Peach Ghost Scorpions 13/10 and Naga Bhut Jolokia Red 14/10. Plus a few other super hots :D

This year I only planted sweet potato as the Wife and I like these and they are easy to grow, and considering that they are usually around the $4/kg mark, we save a few $ by growing them. The only problem that we get is late autumn when it's almost harvest time, the rats decide that they want them more than us. Last year we had a reasonable harvest 25kg, but the year before, the rats ate almost half - out of the ground 8.(

I also have 1 dwarf Pink Belle Apple tree, 2 full sized Pink Lady Apple trees, 1 Packham Pear tree = Yum! 1 Mandarin, 1 Miniature lime tree and a variety of seedless Grapes.

Ramjet said:
Habs are not so hot wink 10/10. I have some Peach Ghost Scorpions 13/10 and Naga Bhut Jolokia Red 14/10. Plus a few other super hots big_smile
That's some hot chillies!
Currently waiting for the apricots to ripen up before the pesky birds get into it. Also have a dwarf apple tree and large crab apple tree with fruit, planted plots with tomatoes, and a variety of other vegies and herbs. Pity the coriander at this time of the year always goes to seed only after a short time, I have several jars of seeds from previous years. Herbs and vegies are getting expensive these days, so the more I can procure from home, the better. :)
Prospector B said:
Ive got a nice little veggie garden going, this year I've got raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, corn, beans, peas, lettuces and tomatoes growing, plus all the usual herbs. The kids love it! Everything tastes so much better too but it takes a lot of effort, last year I think we picked over 20kg of tomatoes from 6 plants, I was making sauce for weeks! I'm trying to get some chillie and capsicum seeds to grow but nothing yet, I really struggle to grow them. It's a strange season in vic so maybe next year I'll have a win.

If only I spent more time trying to get some gold I would probably be better at it and have more than a few specs, 20kg from 6 holes would be nice... :D One can always dream.

You are right about funny season in Victoria at the moment. My garden is usually much nicer around this time of the year. Even the grass looks like it does not want to grow.
Damn! Some serious heat there! Never seen the chocolate hab's before. I usually get my seeds from Green Harvest, they just have the standard orange hab's... 'Magnum' It's not just all about the heat either, they have a unique flavour as well.
They reckon if you wanna try hot try the Trinidad Scorpion 'Butch T' and the Carolina Reaper. Ment to be the hottest there is. Also read that worm juice out of worm farms is the best fertilizer and makes them extra hot.

Cracka :p