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Dec 25, 2014
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Mooroolbark, VIC
...and it is Lasseter's Gold by Warren Brown. I came accross it while I was at work. Seems basically new :) Winning.


As soon as I finish the book Im currently reading (just some old novel) I'll start at it immediately. Cant wait. I only know the very basics (ie wikipedia) about Lasseter and his fabled reef so it should be an interesting read.

Anyone else here read it?

Also, if anyone want to read it Id be happy to send it on to someone else after Im done with it in a couple of weeks. I can pay postage. I did get it for free after all :)

I would be very interested in reading it and pass it on the same way as you. I have been reading a lot of good prospecting books on Kindle some free and some for not much money cheers Stew :)
I have it and are 1/2 way through reading it.

It's a real good and easy read and i like the authors style a lot. It might however take me a while to finish cos it's my bedtime reading material and sometimes i pick it up and...zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :lol:

Stewlu said:
I would be very interested in reading it and pass it on the same way as you. I have been reading a lot of good prospecting books on Kindle some free and some for not much money cheers Stew :)

Cool mate. Happy to pass it on to you esp if it gets passed on again :)

casper said:
I have it and are 1/2 way through reading it.

It's a real good and easy read and i like the authors style a lot. It might however take me a while to finish cos it's my bedtime reading material and sometimes i pick it up and...zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :lol:


Yeah I just read a few pages to get a feel for the authors style and yeah it seems like it will be an easy and entertaining read for sure :) I think Ill make my start within a couple of days. And yeah fair enough. Ive had some bed books last a fairly long time too haha.
Im mostly finished now...just a few chapters to go. Im loving it. Such a crazy story in just about every aspect. I wont go in to specifics in case others want to read it (and I highly recommend you do). But yeah great story and a great read.
POG. Pm sent. I will post to the next member when i have finished reading it. Cheers. Good idea this pass it around bit.

Great book too. Halfway through in 3 days, love it.
Hard to believe that only 100 years ago there were cannibals all over bushes in FNQ.
When finished would swap for different book.
I'll be finished with it today sometime...only about half an hours reading left :( I hate to finish a book Im enjoying. But anyways I'll send it off in the next few days. Davelaw, I'll give it to you as I'd certainly like to see it go on to another member after you're finished with it. Im sure it wont take too long for you either...tis a real page turner.

And yeah I actually had a look at that website nightjar. I kind of delved into it late last night...still have like 20 tabs open in the browser haha.
I wonder if it would be worth setting up a "PA Book Club" forum section possibly? Somewhere members can exchange books? I'm not generally a book hoarder but Im not sure about others. Maybe people generally aren't willing to part with their books, especially since many of them are hard to come by? But there has been a response to this thread (albeit small) and so maybe thats enough to warrant it? I think it would be cool. You could have a discussions area (clearly labled as including spoilers) where we can discuss the book that are being passed around and exchanged. I dont know. Just throwing about ideas here haha
Lasseters gold. Arrived today.thanks POG. Next member who would like to read it pm me your address & i will post it. Just give me a week or 2 to finish. Cheers.
PotOfGold said:
I'll be finished with it today sometime...only about half an hours reading left :( I hate to finish a book Im enjoying. But anyways I'll send it off in the next few days. Davelaw, I'll give it to you as I'd certainly like to see it go on to another member after you're finished with it. Im sure it wont take too long for you either...tis a real page turner.

And yeah I actually had a look at that website nightjar. I kind of delved into it late last night...still have like 20 tabs open in the browser haha.
Thanks mate. I have moved it on too Markgoldhunter. Cheers.
Luke said:

Luke I read the online version when it first came out, very cost effective, but I am known to collect more than a few books. So as I had difficulty getting to the prospecting shops that are selling them, I asked Dave if he could send me a copy. Cost me $30 including postage and I am reading it at a more leisurely pace, second time around. A very good read, since it is based loosely on actual events.

Dave is a regular on another Oz gold forum.

There is another very good book called "Lasseters Last Ride", I think it's out of print now , it's written by Ion Idress, I read it a couple of years :rolleyes: ago when I was about 16