Good to see some rain.....

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Checks in from time to time.
Supporting Member
Apr 8, 2015
Reaction score
Bathurst, NSW
Planned to head out to Sunny Corner for the day, woke up to rain. Not complaining at all though, very happy to welcome it back, been a while since we have got a good soak. We got a storm yesterday arvo and its rained since.

People underestimate how dry it has been in the Central West, I feel sorry for the blokes on the land struggling to hand-feed stock while trying to pay their overdrafts/mortgages and put food on the table for their family. I went out to Turondale about 2 weeks back and it was so damn dry out there sheep and cattle must be eating bark and dirt, so hopefully, they got some of this too. It's heartbreaking out there because of the ridgelines and hills you can have bone dry paddocks of dust then only a couple of k's away you see green paddocks. I took a few bales of hay out there and dropped them off at someone's front gate on my way for a couple of hours panning.

Might go for a drive out to Sunny Corner later this arvo see if it has put much water in Mitchells Creek, it was barely a trickle the other day. Might even be able to sluice again with luck.

Hope those of you who need some rain are getting it now or wake up to some in the morning :D