Getting Hassled on Beaches

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Dec 13, 2012
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Here's a tip for beach swingers, if you think your about to get hassled by someone, get your mobile phone out and start talking into it. If they think your in touch with someone on the other end, chances are they wont hassle you, this actually works!
I hit the beach again today and had been hunting for 15-20mins when a dude comes up to me and said " i hope you realise how much of a hazard you are creating for everyone, very careless and disrespectful mate!!!!"

I did a double-take and calmly asked " what the hell are you on about?"

I had noticed another detector had been on the beach and noticed he wasn't filling his holes and was digging some pretty big ones.
I said i always filled my holes and asked him how long he'd been observing me, to which he said at least 15mins.
I asked how many holes he saw me dig and fill and he said " at least 10-15"

Then i said again " as you have seen i fill my holes mate! "
Then he strolled off muttering how i was raping the beach ?!?!? Huh??
Ways of responding if you HAD left unfilled holes on a beach:

Explain that you were doing a public service by removing potentially sharp metal objects from the beach where kids play and people tend to walk barefoot, and simultaneously giving children a headstart on any sandcastles. Kids of today have such short attention spans, they can't concentrate long enough to build a sandcastle from start to finish.

None-the-less beach sand is a serious trip hazard as the uncertain footing could lead someone to fall, get sand in their cossies and suffer a crunchy-crotch injury. You can't be too careful, lifeguards are being instructed to place their flags not in dangerous surf but instead in a controlled clubhouse environment behind barriers to prevent people getting near them - they are a trip hazard too. This also has the effect of reducing the number of drownings and ensuring swimming only takes place on non-slip surfaces while being supervised by trained first-aiders.

Perhaps it should by legislated that you must detect in a life-vest just in case.

As a rule, always fill in your holes, even in rivers and dams, swamps and (from another post elsewhere here) sporting ovals.