Gem Poachers

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Jun 16, 2017
Reaction score
Stanthorpe, QLD
Holidaying in New England has been an eye opener.

As we are new to both wet fossicking and the New England area, we have been hunting down places to go and people who can help/teach us a few tricks. What has staggered us is the number of places that are now locked out to fossickers, the cause.... Gem Poachers.

The first encounter was Silent Grove which we knew was closed, then we discovered what had happened in a bit more detail.

Today we were introduced to a fossicking guide who is now out of business as all the private sites he was welcome at have now "shut the gate" and with very good reason.

When a farmer ends up in hospital because of Gem Poachers, everyone in a farming community knows about it in a flash and gates slam shut. The poachers had dug a large deep hole overnight and didn't fill it in, the next day the farmer fell into it on his bike and ended up with 4 broken ribs!

Another event ended with the landowner being sued by a fossicker who slipped on a hill, injuries unknown.

And there are plenty more stories.... It has now become so serious in this area that some landowners are installing infra-red video surveillance to catch the thieves!

I don't know what the answer is, it is a very complex problem, but that said if nothing happens we will have no where to go in the future and not only law abiding fossickers but also many associated businesses will suffer.

Let's all start trying to find a solution before it's too late. No idea is a bad idea, it just needs to be allowed to develop.
What can I say, land owners have all the right to close access due to morons who think that they are above the law. This place will be a lot better when people start doing the right thing and accept the consequences for doing the wrong thing. I say "book'em Danno"

Just my 2 cents worth.

They are thieves now and they will never be anything better. No great loss to society.

Mod edit
There will be absolutely no talk of using weapons and violence on this forum!
Such a bunch of greedy Bast?$&@, spoiling it for everyone else. I love these areas and have shown a few people our hobby. Very disappointing and hope that karma comes visiting them.
Mackka :| :| :|
Just let the dogs out make sure there vicious and they'll never come back :)
All I can say is don't believe everything you hear either, not saying things like this don't happen as they sometimes do, though some people like to use stories like that to keep the gates shut.

A lot of properties get sold too and the new owners just don't want the hassle of allowing fossickers on to their land.
Yes can be many reasons ................... don't want the liability that can come from it, loss of dollars from stock loss and property damage and many times just get sick of the many that appear to think it's their god given right to do what ever they wish ............... even on some one else's land :rolleyes:
Not just the single prospector either ...................... know of a well known tour operator that cannot get back onto a few major properties in FNQ, simply due to a lets just say appalling attitude. ;) You would think that they of all people would be trying to protect and avoid the shut gate scenario :(
The key I have found is to make your being there an asset to them and in no way a hindrance or financial loss as a result of. This can be as simple as keeping an eye out for any stock in trouble or doing a fence run and just letting them know all is good along that particular fence line. :Y: If you have a skill set that can help them out then even better, offer it up as it will be most appreciated :) I usually do a few days mustering and some vehicle maintenance, the free detecting with no fee covers my fuel bill, so it's win win :Y: The fact one is warmly welcomed back anytime is gold in itself :Y: :Y: :Y:
Guess I'm a little bit passionate about the guys who put the weaties in my bowl and the steaks on my plate :D
Look after them and they will look after you :Y:
Heatho said:
All I can say is don't believe everything you hear either, not saying things like this don't happen as they sometimes do, though some people like to use stories like that to keep the gates shut.

A lot of properties get sold too and the new owners just don't want the hassle of allowing fossickers on to their land.

I here what you say, but can assure you this is not a case of exaggerated stories, there were many other examples, one we found exploring the public fossicking area on Fraser Creek, off the edge of the main stream, under the trees my wife spotted a black hole under water, it was about 6-800mm in diameter and I was unable to find the bottom, probably 3 or more meters deep, ony one thing could produce this, a large dredge.

One farmer has around $10k worth of dredging gear having spooked the poachers, there is also a prosecution in the system.

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