G'day from Ditherer and Son

Prospecting Australia

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Apr 12, 2013
Reaction score
Newcastle, NSW
Hello all,

We're from Newcastle

My old dad and I have been prospecting for nearly 40 years, on and off....mostly off.

I am the son half of the "Ditherer and Son" - which, as a name probably won't lead to worldwide stardom or internet notoriety...perhaps I should use an acronym of say "Son of Dithererer"...which would be SOD...hmmm innapropriate...? I think I will settle for "Ditherer" as my short name, as I believe I am genetically pre-disposed to late-onset Dithering...thanks Dad for THAT gene. Like father like son.

In my early 40's, I am now at about the same age that he was when he used to take my little brother and I prospecting in the 70's and 80's. Back in those days dredging was allowed, and he used to do a bit of that with his home made dredge. I remember like it was yesterday, it floated on two tractor innertubes and was powered by a Briggs and Stratton 3/4 HP vertical shaft motor....... I actually typed all of that without drawing breath or consciously thinking.... you can see how ingrained in my memory those things are....you perhaps can tell that I have had gold fever for effectively all of my life.

We never even got that much gold when I was a kid.....but they were great times, the best times for a father and sons.

In more recent years, now that I have some more spare time and he's retired, he and I make the effort to go off for a 5 day prospecting stint a couple of times a year.

We've spent a lot of trips fruitlessly in the Barringtons and Copeland, and a few trips to Nundle over the years.

In more recent years we have been going out to Ophir. This was a turning point. We started finding gold!...more than all of our previous trips combined....do you think this sort of thing is likely to cure my mid-life gold fever? errr No.

Now all I seem to think about is designs for highbankers, making bits of sluices, poring over google earth and other aerial imagery and data. I lay awake at night thinking of the sound my minelab-4500 makes. It's embarrassing but still preferrable to bed-wetting.

I confess to having become addicted to watching youtube videos on the gold prospecting in NSW....<waves at familiar Aussie Youtuberpeople (who are probably in this forum) such as Wal n Liz, Diggerdude, Shivan, TheBoris, and many more to whom I apologise and thank>

On our last trip I had decided to create and post my own videos, so I have published our first 18 minute epic on Youtube which can be found if you search for Ditherer Andson.

Anyway, enough waffle....time for me to begin devouring the many interesting forum topics I will find here. Thanks for having us.

Ditherer and Son
G'day and welcome Dither and son. You's started hunting gold in the late 70's like me, I tried a lot of toys then which are now illegal. After they banned all the good stuff, gold fever went into remission for a few years with only a few outbreaks which could be controlled but in about 2005 I had a relapse and now it's out of control, why fight it, I just go with the flow now. Plenty of gold related topics on the forum here, enjoy. I check out youtube for your video, good luck. :) Mick
Welcome Dither
Looking forward to your stories and pics
Your in likeminded " addictive' company here
G'day D & son, I'm not much of a force in welcoming you, I am new myself, Good to here you are on to a patch. You sound like you are in the mid north coast region if you have been working the tops. Hope to see you around. Good hunting
Good intro D&S. Don't sell yourself short on notoriety with that handle mate, think of Mumford and Sons if they are out there with a name like that you can too. :D Thanks for the lighthearted story and look forward to reading more. Cheers, Rick :)
Great intro and vid DNS, welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing :)
Welcome to the forum D & S...great to have you here, and really enjoyed your last vid. :) Look forward to your future adventures and keep that vid cam rolling...Best of luck...Cheers Wal. :)
Quite a professional with the cam for the first time, I think you have found your profession! Great vid D!
Will be looking forward to more. Keep the sparkle in your eye!
Gday D +S, Welcome to the forum, by the sound of it you will be a valuable addition, Look forward to hearing some stories
All the best Bill :cool:
I have been poring over the forums (including many abortive attempts while Nugget had the site offline earlier tonight) and I am delighted at the numbers of people here. Also at the number of people from Newcastle and the Hunter Valley.

Spose I shouldn't be surprised to see so many, for a people that have spent most of the last 200 years digging black stuff out of the ground, digging up shiny gold would be a real treat. Much as a hot dog is a wonderful treat for abattoir workers.

The ditherer and I are currently organising our next trip out to Ophir, this time we'll record some Minelab action as I retrieve long lost shotgun pellets from deep inside crevices in bedrock outcrops. No doubt I will also be recording the exciting exploits of hole digging, and there will be substantially more dithering.

We've gone and bought a Fiskars lawn drill to make some sampling holes well away from the creek, and we'll test pan those.

The ditherer has spent the week building a Miller table for fine gold. It takes an extrordinary amount of dithering to make a flat board that water can run down.


And over the weekend I hope to make another couple of sluices to extend "Hogwash", the highbanker.

I'll post photos of that work when it's complete.

And thanks for the kind welcome.