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Prospecting Australia

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Oct 17, 2019
Reaction score
Hi all,
Only new to the hobbie but love getting out there in search of the elusive yellow...(well for me it elusive)
Born and raised in Sydney but have gone bush hunting and camping all my life, and always had the urge to have a scratch around for gold.
Recently it got the better of me and I bought a pan,loaded up the missus and three kids and headed up the mountains and we found a few specs. Weve managed to find a few specs every time we go out but look forward to honing our skills and learning more to increase our odds.
One day I hope to own a detector but one step at a time I suppose
Cheers Les
G'day Upthecreek welcome to PA :Y: sure is a great way for families to spend quality time :perfect: best of luck when you next get amongst it :beer:
Welcome to PA Les and family!
Finding a few specks each time is actually not a bad effort! Some people don't do that each time, so you're doing well! And it all adds up... :)

Enjoy the family time, there's nothing better than being in the bush, and finding some gold is a nice bonus! :goldpan:
