Found some good gold today

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Brad Welch
Feb 15, 2013
Reaction score
Hey people,
I haven't downloaded the photos yet but they will certainly get your blood to boil.
Went down to the river today to wash a bit of dirt I had collected from the Thanes creek area a few weekends ago.
4 1/2 buckets of classified material down to half inch. I scored about 0.5 grams in some nice stuff, then out of the blue lunked one slug coming in at 6.44 grams.
I was putting thru the last of the cons when I had to do a double take. I thought maybe 4 grams but the scales don't lie.
This was one happy digger, and doing a jig on the bank of the river after finding this baby was well worth the embarrassment.
I will forward some pic's up later, still getting over the high.
Good stuff ,Brad !!!
So 6.44 grams fits through a 1/2 inch sieve ? Wow .
There's hope for me then . You've added inflammation to my itch .....
( now ,how do I sneak out for a pan without being caught by the missus ?)
Steve .
It must of have just fitted thru mate, im telling you I also almost lost the lot.
I had people tooting there horns at me for about 20k's or so and when I finally got to pick up the kids from school I realised that the tailgate was down all the way. How I didn't lose anything, ie sluice 12v battery bkts and even the gold and gold pans remain a mystery. I think today was one of my luckiest days to date.
I've been thinking of having a week that way soon tell me aushunter what's glendon camping park like I was thinking of staying there? Congrats on the nugget can't wait to see a pic of it salted in gold dust! Get back there!
Well here are the photos.
I took 4 and a half buckets of half inch cons out to the river to wash, absoloutly gorgeous day
Clear water, no hassles from anyone, just me and the river.

Then I saw this in the sluice and had to do a double take and then almost started shrieking like a madman, did a little jig as you would.

Resting on the edge of the sluice.

A closeup of the little big one.

Sitting with his little brothers.

Confirmation time, I thought it would be at least 4 grams, how wrong was I.
I am on very happy camper.
Haha, what a magic feeling, 6+g in the sluice box you're certainly in a select few, must have been how the old timers must have felt. That is a fair dinkum win mate, beautiful nugget, great share and hope there's a few more coming your way.
Zuke_Lynzy said:
I've been thinking of having a week that way soon tell me aushunter what's glendon camping park like I was thinking of staying there? Congrats on the nugget can't wait to see a pic of it salted in gold dust! Get back there!

Hey fellas, Glendon isn't a bad place, powered and unpowered sites available, clean amenities and a little kiosk for basic needs. If you need a coke or 2 for JD or Bundy Rum grab some bottles when you are in Warick as they only sell cans at the kiosk.
They are good caretakers at the property. It is a basic camp site but enjoyable. Certainly must have a 4WD and head on out to the back of the property to the good gold, collect in bkts and transport down to the dam to wash.
22 bucks a night, cant go wrong.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Fellas,
Anytime someone wants to head on out I am more than happy if I can get the time off.
Sharing the finds with others and watching the smile on their dial when they find a bit is pretty cool to say the least.
Good on you Brad. What a ripper of a nugget!

Can't blame you for the excitement when it showed up. I'm sure most of us would do the same. I'll bet the smile was firmly in place for some time after seeing it! :D

All the best if you head back there. See if you can snag it's bigger brothers! Looks like a top area -might pay to have a wander with a detector next time!

Kindest regards,