For Those That Vape

Prospecting Australia

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Mar 24, 2018
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Gave up the "Evil" durries around 6 years ago and started vaping. Tried all sorts of Quit Smoking aids but vaping was the only one that worked. The Aussie Government hates vapers, very little tax income as compared to cigarettes. Received an email today from one of the suppliers I buy from. After checking it out it's bad news for current vapers and those thinking about giving up.

An important update for those of you who use nicotine.

The Australian Government has announced that they intend to ask the Governor-General in Council to amend the Customs (Prohibited Import) Regulations from 1 July 2020 prohibiting the importation of nicotine.

Links to various notices and articles are at the bottom of this email and there will be a review in 12 months but the immediate takeaway is that this weekend might be your last chance to order and receive nicotine before July 1st. Given the short time-frame and absurd fines of up to $220,000, our friends over at ------ or ------- may be your best bet to receive it in time.

We're sorry to bring you this horrible news which will undoubtedly have a negative impact on the lives of so many Australians. In terms of ---s future, nothing is changing - we'll be open and operating to serve you as always but we didn't want them to sneak this in before you had a chance to react.

So, if you get your Nic from overseas, as most people do, then ya better get some now. Seems our Government would prefer us vapers to go back to smoking and clog up the Health system.

Not Happy Jan :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Feral said:
Gave up the "Evil" durries around 6 years ago and started vaping. Tried all sorts of Quit Smoking aids but vaping was the only one that worked. The Aussie Government hates vapers, very little tax income as compared to cigarettes. Received an email today from one of the suppliers I buy from. After checking it out it's bad news for current vapers and those thinking about giving up.

An important update for those of you who use nicotine.

The Australian Government has announced that they intend to ask the Governor-General in Council to amend the Customs (Prohibited Import) Regulations from 1 July 2020 prohibiting the importation of nicotine.

Links to various notices and articles are at the bottom of this email and there will be a review in 12 months but the immediate takeaway is that this weekend might be your last chance to order and receive nicotine before July 1st. Given the short time-frame and absurd fines of up to $220,000, our friends over at ------ or ------- may be your best bet to receive it in time.

We're sorry to bring you this horrible news which will undoubtedly have a negative impact on the lives of so many Australians. In terms of ---s future, nothing is changing - we'll be open and operating to serve you as always but we didn't want them to sneak this in before you had a chance to react.

So, if you get your Nic from overseas, as most people do, then ya better get some now. Seems our Government would prefer us vapers to go back to smoking and clog up the Health system.

Not Happy Jan :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Seems like it is time with good motivation to have another try at giving it up!!

Rob P.

Deaths from smoking in UK since 2007 =100,000/year
Covid 2019 = 42,000/6 months

Tobacco smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death and disease in Australia. Smoking leads to a wide range of diseases including many types of cancer, heart disease and stroke, chest and lung illnesses and stomach ulcers. It claims the lives of 15,500 Australians every year.Nov 13, 2019

Covid deaths to date, 2020 =102
I haven't had a cigarette since 2012 thanks to vaping. Prior to that I was smoking 40 a day and pretty sick from it. I've actually been a zero nic vaper since September last year. Not because I "tried" to quit - I just seemed to grow less reliant on it over time. Deliberately trying to quit always ended in failure for me. The ability to use nicotine freely and safely is the key to success with this, and as it's only in the same class as caffeine there are no major health risks with it (no it's not carcinogenic - that's the smoke not the nic). I still vape because I still have the "hand to mouth habit", but that may also fade in time. I don't really care if it doesn't because it's harmless. (I've had 3 chest infections in the last 8 years, compared to an average of 2 per year before I started vaping.)

A $220,000 fine for quitting smoking "the wrong way" is unbelievable. The misinformation that's out there is really evil, and it's really about protecting profits and taxes. Meanwhile in the rest of the civilised world vaping is either being legalised or actively encouraged - NZ and the UK for example. Watch our lung cancer rates skyrocket past theirs in the coming years.

I really hope all the people scrambling to get nicotine before July 1 will be able to get it. There's about 300,000 vapers in Aus and many will go back to smoking without liquid nic.
The irony is the cigarette companies make the Vapor devices and things like Nicabate patches , don`t they ?
That Johns Hopkins article is a good example of misinformation. It's been coming from the top down for over a decade. If nicotine were so addictive why is it being sold in supermarkets to children as young as 12 in the form of flavoured chewing gum? Why can they get lab mice addicted to cigarettes but not nicotine by itself? Why did I lose my own dependence on nicotine over time once I stopped smoking tobacco?

Tobacco companies add in other chemicals to enhance the addictiveness of nicotine, that's why, like ammonia, arsenic and formaldehyde and god knows what else.

Here's the rules: When Big Pharma sells nicotine in the from of inhalers, patches, lozenges, chewing gum (all of which have a 95% failure rate) it's in the interests of public health. When smokers take matters into their own hands and develop a technology that uses the same nicotine in a vaporiser and makes it effective and enjoyable then it's the work of the devil.

Anyway I'm just ranting now. I wasn't really intending to try and get my 10 post up in the off topic section. ;)
@ Just Starting (sorry I can't quote posts yet).

Inhalers, patches etc are sold by Pharmaceutical companies. Ecigs were first invented by a Chinese pharmacist whose father died of lung cancer. It was smokers themselves, mostly American and European blokes in their sheds who tinkered with the technology and came up with most of the innovations. Then Chinese companies started making clones of the Western tech and selling them cheaply, and things really took off.

Big Tobacco arrived very late to the party as they were seeing their Kodak Moment coming right at them. Big T only sell smaller "cigalikes" mostly, and haven't competed very well with the tech companies selling larger mods (although I'm sure they'll figure it out soon enough.) They haven't contributed to any of the new innovations. Big T would much rather sell cigarettes than ecigs, as there's heaps more money in it for them. Big T will be extremely happy with the Aus Gov't.

I know all this because I was involved in advocacy for the legalisation of nicotine up until a couple of years ago. Plus I'm a bit of a global political nerd anyway. :)

Btw not one single vaping device being sold in Australia is made by Big Tobacco.
Thanks for the heads up feral.
I just had a look at my normal place I order from and they are sold out.
I found another company from nz and have stocked up.

I know the gov has said they will reveiw the decision in a year but when has the gov unbanned something once it's gone?
Flute said:
@ Just Starting (sorry I can't quote posts yet).

Inhalers, patches etc are sold by Pharmaceutical companies. Ecigs were first invented by a Chinese pharmacist whose father died of lung cancer. It was smokers themselves, mostly American and European blokes in their sheds who tinkered with the technology and came up with most of the innovations. Then Chinese companies started making clones of the Western tech and selling them cheaply, and things really took off.

Big Tobacco arrived very late to the party as they were seeing their Kodak Moment coming right at them. Big T only sell smaller "cigalikes" mostly, and haven't competed very well with the tech companies selling larger mods (although I'm sure they'll figure it out soon enough.) They haven't contributed to any of the new innovations. Big T would much rather sell cigarettes than ecigs, as there's heaps more money in it for them. Big T will be extremely happy with the Aus Gov't.

I know all this because I was involved in advocacy for the legalisation of nicotine up until a couple of years ago. Plus I'm a bit of a global political nerd anyway. :)

Btw not one single vaping device being sold in Australia is made by Big Tobacco.

Maybe they don`t make them ,but they own them from what i see. A mate used to be a rep for one of the major cigarette companies and told me his company made nicotine patches many , many years` ago. I hate the stuff myself and have had a few people close to me die from it. I saw up close what it does to you.But it is the choice of the individual to smoke or vape or not. I drink coffee ,so that is my addiction.


Flute, you are correct in what you say about Big Pharma and the Big Tobacco. Those 2 and the Government are kicking themselves because they missed the boat big time. It is in their own interests that push misinformation down the non vaping peoples throat.

When I was smoking, I was going through a 50g pouch in less than 2 days (I never do anything by half). Since I started vaping my lungs have cleared, my sense of smell and taste have returned fully, Medical and Insurance class me as a non smoker and my wallet is a lot happier :D . As for getting sick, When I was smoking I would get 2 to 3 lung infections a year. A few of them serious enough for Hospitalization. Since starting Vaping, I have had zero lung infections and rarely get crook. I am glad that Vaping was available to me when I quit. The Main Stream alternatives just did not work for me.

No dramas HippyProspecting, that's why i posted it. I been reducing my Nic for the last 4 years. I reckon this last lot I got will see me to the 0%.
Geez I hope they don't ban food flavouring next, just because we use it in our vapes, but I wouldn't put anything past them. That would be the end of me.

I'm too old to go looking for Banana Pie flavour on the dark web, or to be heading out at midnight with my sunglasses on to buy a hit of Creme Brulee from a dude named Chook. :D
Smoking cigarettes in Australia is an expensive habit. In fact, at around $35 for a pack of 20, Australia's cigarettes are the most expensive in the world.

I used to smoke a 50 pack every day & sometimes more when boozing with the boys on the weekends , I did switch to rollies later to try & save money but they also started to get far to expensive so started vaping a few years back .

Vaping nicotine was so cheap ' I wont be returning to Super Taxes Cigarettes :argh:

A pissed off
Outback said:
Smoking cigarettes in Australia is an expensive habit. In fact, at around $35 for a pack of 20, Australia's cigarettes are the most expensive in the world.

I used to smoke a 50 pack every day & sometimes more when boozing with the boys on the weekends , I did switch to rollies later to try & save money but they also started to get far to expensive so started vaping a few years back .

Vaping nicotine was so cheap ' I wont be returning to Super Taxes Cigarettes :argh:

A pissed off

Is that true about $35 a pack of 20 ??
Ridge Runner said:
Outback said:
Smoking cigarettes in Australia is an expensive habit. In fact, at around $35 for a pack of 20, Australia's cigarettes are the most expensive in the world.

I used to smoke a 50 pack every day & sometimes more when boozing with the boys on the weekends , I did switch to rollies later to try & save money but they also started to get far to expensive so started vaping a few years back .

Vaping nicotine was so cheap ' I wont be returning to Super Taxes Cigarettes :argh:

A pissed off

Is that true about $35 a pack of 20 ??

Depends on brand etc but its on the money.

40s are at $1.50+ each in most large supermarkets and they only get more expensive as every year passes.
Struth I thought the UK were thieves,

Over here there are a lot of cheap smokes and rollies coming in from the EU

Tailor mades are around 16 to 20 bucks for a pack of 20, and 50gm pouch of tobacco is about 35 to 40 bucks here.
I vape whole tobacco in a herbal vapouriser, I'm an idiot for starting on tobacco again after 5 years off it, and it's bloody expensive but it's better than smoking. Will be going cold turkey over the next week or so. Have done it before and can do it again.

Really is unfair to be doing this though. they just want people smoking as there is so much to be made from taxes....
Thanks for the update to the OP.

Only time I got off the cigarettes was on the vape. The whole uptake and success of the vaping was attacked and the public perception was pushed in attempt to totally malign the practice. Adults ought to be given the freedom to choose whatever they want to use.

While Im at it (its at least semi related) its almost the same story with psilocybin. I mention it, as using it just once in a controlled manner has been shown to enable an immediate and complete ceasation in cigarettes by clinical patients in the vast majority of participants (80+%)

If they were serious about getting people to permanently quit tobacco, and I dont think any free thinking rational adult sincerely believes they are, they would line up proper studies and trial psilocybin.

Religion, politics, money and dogma prevents its use, but society could learn alot from proper ethereal experiences.

Any way, Go the vape, and good luck to anyone who has taken it up to get off the tobacco :Y: