Doug Stone's NSW gold atlas and maps information

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I ve got the NSW Gold Atlas. For me its just another piece of the research puzzle that has helped me know where gold has been found in days gone by. It would be presumptuous to expect exact coordinates saying "the gold is here" go and get it.

I ve found the UTM coordinates dont quite line up with google earth as well.

I dont know of any other maps that will put you into the hot spots for at least a chance of coming home with some gold. Really good when you go to a brand new area and dont have weeks to drive around looking for old workings.

A couple of grams and its paid for itself.

Just looking at the hargraves-windeyer doug stone detecting map and wondering if anyone has used this map on there travels to windeyer are all the areas marked as crown reservation accessible or are they leased of to private entity I have been out to this area before but only really used the highbanker and hang around the creaks looking to do some detecting next trip and doin some research prior to arrival
Are as I suspected is the hargraves common accessible
mbasko said:
A lot of the crown land areas on those maps for both Hargraves & Windeyer are under lease so you still need permission to access.
I've never had any problems with accessing the Hargraves Common. If you see them at the little shop you can camp at the sportsground & have use of the toilets, showers & fire baskets.
I've seen people camped in the Common but don't know if the trust like it or allow it?
Just have to get on the ground and do the hard yards as usual and the spots will open up allways meet someone that's frendly enough to point you in the right direction
mbasko said:
I've never had any problems with accessing the Hargraves Common. If you see them at the little shop you can camp at the sportsground & have use of the toilets, showers & fire baskets.
I've seen people camped in the Common but don't know if the trust like it or allow it?
I too have never had any problems there . I have seen Gold detected there , specie actually . If ya want to PM me , maybe we could meet up and I could show you around .
I've found several speccis & a lot of clean eluvial + alluvial gold around the Hargraves/Windeyer area's. Some with GPX5000 & Whites GMT but mostly with the reliable SDC. There's a lot of junk about but there's gold in amongst it. I see you use a Gold Bug Pro so it might be good in the trash to discriminate some of the junk out. There's old sites for some relic hunting too - old stone huts or remains etc. I've also found heaps of old buttons & an old chinese coin there while looking for gold so if you concentrated on the old sites I'm sure you would find some interesting stuff.
The diggings there are pretty diverse. Deep shaft mining & trenching of quartz veins, eluvial gold on the slopes, alluvial diggings & gold in the creeks + gullies.
The DS maps are a good starting point but they don't show everything. There's even an error or 2 on them :D
I am hoping to get back out there shortly myself to try the GPZ around a few areas. If your around when I'm off work I could probably give you a bit of an overview.
mbasko said:
I've never had any problems with accessing the Hargraves Common. If you see them at the little shop you can camp at the sportsground & have use of the toilets, showers & fire baskets.
I've seen people camped in the Common but don't know if the trust like it or allow it?
Just to add to the above for anyone looking at the area I've recently spoken to a property owner at Hargraves who has a campground available. It's called Acacia Ridge Bushcamp & the owner can be contacted via youcamp or on mobile 0428217817 (business number). His name is Steve & he seems like a nice bloke.
The campground has sites for $20/night or 4 x pre-erected tents for $80/person. The pre-erected tents include dinner & breakfast. Facilities include hot shower, toilet, kitchen/dining/lounge area + campfire. There is also access to a gold bearing creek for panning only. Sounds like a good base to explore the area from.
Virtually all of the lands around the maitland bar, hargraves are all privately owned, im not sure if they are leased or owned outright but its got me beat on why someone wants to own a mountain in which they cannot do anything with,
Here is a fantastic mapping tool to determine boundaries and lots
maps.six NSW government wont let me paste the webaddeess probsbly the best search for owned land in NSW

for instance on the left hand side in search type maitland bar, and on the right hand side under map contents there are fields to select, lot boundaries, survey marks lot labels etc, this will provide you with the DP number such as DP 788117, this will be the owner, a girl in the Mudgee office told me the owner, One of the good producing area was the potato patch presently this is a orchard. As the boundary maps indicate the creek beds are not privately owned
A fantastic book is Glint of gold, details all gold findings in NSW
A lot of it is privately owned. There is accessible land around there though.
Six Maps is a great research tool.
NSW ArcGis is even better & will show what is Crown Land + what isn't. This can be beneficial if looking for land that's not privately owned.
None of these mapping tools will show land owners; land managers; Crown Land status like TSR's, unmanaged land, crown land under tenure etc. so yes extra research & inquiry is required but they are good starting points.
As far as creek beds not being privately owned there are some that are under old land title so don't assume you can just wander up any creek. Also some require passing through private or leased land to access.
IMO it is a common courtesy to contact, explain what you want to do & ask the land owner/holder if you want to access any creeks running through their land. They may even allow further access to diggings etc.?
Pi55ing people off in these small villages/localities will only see more gates getting shut.
Yeah it is a bit confusing if the creeks are owned on the land title or not , on the maps six it seems the creeks are not on the boundries of the land however more research is required to determine if this is the case, survey points will need to be clariifed but this will depend if maps six is accurate for access from the public road I got free access to RP Data for 1 week which has provided me with sales values for these areas for DP lots
I've found several speccis & a lot of clean eluvial + alluvial gold around the Hargraves/Windeyer area's. Some with GPX5000 & Whites GMT but mostly with the reliable SDC. There's a lot of junk about but there's gold in amongst it. I see you use a Gold Bug Pro so it might be good in the trash to discriminate some of the junk out. There's old sites for some relic hunting too - old stone huts or remains etc. I've also found heaps of old buttons & an old chinese coin there while looking for gold so if you concentrated on the old sites I'm sure you would find some interesting stuff.
The diggings there are pretty diverse. Deep shaft mining & trenching of quartz veins, eluvial gold on the slopes, alluvial diggings & gold in the creeks + gullies.
The DS maps are a good starting point but they don't show everything. There's even an error or 2 on them :D
I am hoping to get back out there shortly myself to try the GPZ around a few areas. If your around when I'm off work I could probably give you a bit of an overview.
Hey mate a few years late heading out there tomorrow will be my first time ever do you have any updated tips lol
Hey mate a few years late heading out there tomorrow will be my first time ever do you have any updated tips lol
For the unmanaged/unleased Crown Land you will need a Temporary Fossicking Permit from Crown Lands NSW Dubbo office. Unfortunately that takes a week or two.
Be aware of where you are & keep out of leased or private property unless you get permission.

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