Deus & Racer 2 finds for 2016

Prospecting Australia

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Only managed an hour or two back today at the inn site, considering the previous trip was a washout. Not a hell of a lot found, wasn't really expecting too much from the site, though one gem find did come up on the Racer 2.

First up I was running the 5.5x10" coil on the Racer to get amongst the undergrowth, when I picked up a good target very close to the side of a log. Doubtful whether I would have found it with a larger coil due to space restrictions, with the target proving to be a complete South Australian Volunteer Military Forces button, dated around 1877-1880. This button most likely would have belonged to a 2nd Battalion member from Mount Gambier, many of which went on to serve in the Boer War.

Not much joy after that, a lot of wandering around tripping over branches and getting hung up on blackberry bushes, just a couple of buckles and a lone button to round off the hunt.

The Deus gained some new camo covers to help protect the shafts from mud, and a more padded control box cover replaced the previous thin Ukranian cover. These covers were from the UK, and are made from padded neoprene (purchased from ebay).

Also purchased a new finds pouch from the same mob to replace the worn Garrett pouch, much improved padded belt on this one, and plenty of storage pockets for finds. As you can see from the picture, it also has reflective stripes sown into the sides, lanyard loop, and pinpointer holder. :)









That button is in good nick :p
Ive been keeping all the blue and white pottery pieces i find for an old bloke i met who let me detect his yard
Hes been collecting it since he was a kid :eek:
Sandta said:
That button is in good nick :p
Ive been keeping all the blue and white pottery pieces i find for an old bloke i met who let me detect his yard
Hes been collecting it since he was a kid :eek:

There's china all over the place at that site, not to mention plenty of old glass - I do like to pick the odd piece up if it catches my eye. I doubt there would be anything intact there unfortunately, the ground has been ripped, and there's also annoying bits of tin spread all through the soil as well to provided an added challenge (non-ferrous type).
Bit of a dual trip post today, with both hunts at Victorian era sites that I have heavily detected (amongst others). The difference being the settings used on the XP Deus, with a change of discrimination settings to just 1, listening for any faint or scratchy low tone targets that are bordering on the iron range. Quite frankly I was amazed at the difference it made with such minimal changes, never dug so many buttons in a single day before, it gave me second thoughts on how many non-ferrous targets were still actually sitting in the ground.

So essentially I was digging anything repeatable that tonally fell just above the iron range, typically deep, on edge, or sitting close to iron mid to low conductors. Lots of non-ferrous targets were coexisting with iron targets in the same hole, hence the non-ferrous tones were dragged down a lot lower than usual, or simply due to being too deep for anything near a normal tone typical for that type of target. The 13x11" coil was used for the first site (sparse targets), before swapping back to the 11" coil for the iron contaminated site.

I picked up around 20 buttons on ground I had walked over many times previously, some down to 7-8 inches which is pretty deep for such small/thin items. Some more Victorian jewellery was also found, including a copper ring that was most likely gilded in a previous life, and a very small 3 leaf clover pendant with a blue centre. One of the biggest surprises of the day was the ornate silver gilded lipstick tube, that was down around +11", and only a faint target from the surface. A variety of musket balls and rifled projectiles also had a showing, along with the typical harmonica reeds and assorted lead chunks.

With a revitalised site rewarding with yet more finds, I still have plenty of ground to cover over the next few weeks. It will be interesting to see what else was missed on the first number of passes over the site. :)


Big 13x11" coil

Gold at the end of the rainbow, not on this occasion!

Victorian era ring

First of many buttons

....and another one! Plenty of china strewen around the site.

Clover jewellery piece

Copper thimble

Deep lipstick tube


Time to clean the finds


Someone wasn't very good at sewing

Great pics, great finds and another great report GP. It's amazing that so much is still in the soil on ground you have covered before and gives hope to sites we have all worked over before. Great work.
Today we headed off to the beach about 150kms north of us upon receiving a tip off on some pretty drastic storm erosion of the sandhills - my first decent beach hunt in over a year. The club member that mentioned the location pulled out around 60 coins with a CTX3030, so we thought we'd try our luck to see if much was still there.

Weather conditions were near perfect, no wind, glassy water, and low tide, ripe for the picking. The first half hour didn't turn up much, but eventually latched onto a coin line about 3/4 up the beach which didn't stop producing all day, with plenty left for yet another day. We totalled 58 coins all up, with 10 silvers and a lone penny making up the pre-decimals. The Racer 2 picked up 17 coins, and the Deus managed 41 - I ran a slighly modified fulltones program, whilst the Racer ran on the Factory beach mode.

Pretty much most targets were 8-12" down, with the deepest target being a part aluminium can at around 19", so no issues with depth capability on the Deus.

Off tomorrow for another club hunt at a 1940-50's site. :)

Very deep alloy can, over two pinpointers deep!

Erosion actually took out the bitumen pathway


First coin for the trip

I think it was a 20c once upon a time.



First threepence

and another

Getting pretty deep

First Sixpence

Yet another threepence

Use to be a $1

Unfired .22 cartridge

Very shallow threepence

Calling it a day!

Summary of today's finds
As promised, back with another hunt at a 1940/50's site (possibly earlier), with several club members making an appearance to try out their luck. I must say, it is not a site for the faint hearted, it's loaded with junk from demolished houses that's been spread all over the place.

Pretty sure we did the best of the group, with Mrs Goldpick finding a religeous pendant and 1953 half penny, with myself finding 1943/1952 & 1925 pennies, 1951 sixpence, and several BB's.
For me, the best find of the day by far was the small Rising Sun medallion. Pretty sure it's a fundraising medallion from Australia Day, when the date was changed to July 28th for the year of 1916 when Australians were in battle at Pozieres, France. Very unique, possibly quite rare and highly unexpected given the age of the site.

Strangely enough, four coins were found within 10 metres of the car upon finishing up for the day, including the sixpence which had been located underneath one of the members parked cars (bet he will be annoyed when he finds out). :D

Other finds included a full fob watch, Dr.Harley Footeaser shoe horn, Christian Dior Miss Dior French perfume bottle, English Queen Bee knitting needle, and a couple of toy cars. :)

Pretty unassuming site

Petty good nick for a commie penny

Shoe horn set?

Christian Dior perfume


Fob watch

First Roo penny

1978 Tomy Renault

Knitting anyone?

1951 sixpence

Very cool find!


