Detecting in the rain.

Prospecting Australia

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Sep 11, 2014
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Hi guys,
This Saturday I'm meeting up with a fellow prospector up around West Gippsland and plan on detecting an area we've had in mind for a while. The trip has been planned for weeks and now they're saying 80% chance of rain but rain, hail or shine we're still going to detect to satisfy our curiosity.
I'm taking both my detectors and had planned to start with the TDI but have the MXT as backup.
The main aim is to hopefully find gold but any relics or old coins will be a bonus.
My question is apart from the obvious with keeping the control box dry, what other affect will the rain or wet ground have with detecting and will it suit a VLF or PI better or no difference?
Will the ground be more conductive and will it be more prone to false signals in the wet?
Thanks HL, I'm hoping to know in advance what to expect from the detectors if it's really wet.
I'll take snap lock sandwich bags to cover the control box but if it's teeming down I won't be detecting much, probably search so new locations in the general area.
Got fingers crossed the rain holds out.
Good luck out there PP!

I actually kind of enjoy detecting in the light rain, -other than when it's pouring or freezing cold of course. The SDC seemed to find targets clearer and conducting better in the wet clays as far as I could tell. I found small nugs a few inches deeper (around the 8" to 10" mark) when damp than when the ground was dry on the same patch. Perhaps it was a more subtle, or more of a mental thing, but that's how it felt to me. Some more seasoned prospectors might have better advice in the regards of wet ground conducting better depending on the penetration depth of the moisture?

Despite the old mud and clays getting on the hands and boots, it can be easier to recover those small bits as they show up nicely when wet, particularly against the black Fiskars scoop. Nice to see the little nugs sitting cleanly in the hole while digging in damp ground too. That's always a good treat and never fails to bring a smile :)

All the best out there. Stay safe if the weather turns and gets a bit nasty storm-wise.
Kindest regards,
ProspectorPete said:
Thanks HL, I'm hoping to know in advance what to expect from the detectors if it's really wet.
I'll take snap lock sandwich bags to cover the control box but if it's teeming down I won't be detecting much, probably search so new locations in the general area.
Got fingers crossed the rain holds out.

Pete, I got a New set of covers for the MXT Pro and a set for the Normal MXT use some Bags for now and if you want I will send you some Proper covers if you want,

Shauno, thanks for the rely and that's what I was hoping the effect would be, cheers mate.

RR, thanks for the offer mate but I'm not really intending to do much wet weather detecting in the future, I've become a fair weather fisherman over the years and detecting will end up the same, it's just that Saturday has been planned for weeks and it's not practical on my calendar to reschedule for another day, if it rains hopefully it's a one off.
Thanks again for the offer, much appreciated.
Gday Pete

As it happens went for a quick stroll yesterday at Jupiter Creek , did some testing and detecting and over the 3 hrs it got colder and started raining , I had been working a regular area and gone over it 3 or 4 times testing depths and settings , just about to go and got a faint signal , .02 of a gram spec of gold right where I had been testing , the smallest so far with the SDC . I have no doubt it only became audible as the ground got wetter / colder .

Cheers and good luck
Well done Bacchus, been raining off and on over last few days here and about to head out and test the theory with the 2300 on moist ground. Any chance you can post a pic of that (or a similar sized) .02 spec for me so i can get a better idea of what you blokes are talking about when you mention those small weights of gold?
Don't know if this will help but heres a pic of some SDC gold:

Weights were from L to R:- 1gram, 0.41, 0.29, 0.07, 0.03 & both end one fail to register on 0.01 incremental scales so less than 0.01gram.
Hey scrounger,

Both these are approx 0.03 specs, the larger is a flat flake and the smaller a ball shape. Get you ears and glasses on!


Dont be disheartened because when you put them all together, you end up with this!



Thanks fellas, yep, those smaller ones are roughly the sizes of what i've been pinging with the 2300. Last couple of trips i've been getting some around that 0.07 and slightly smaller size as well. But most very small. Still a buzz though, and as you say 'retirement' they all add up! I might have to buy some scales soon.
Syndyne said:
Good luck out there PP!

I actually kind of enjoy detecting in the light rain, -other than when it's pouring or freezing cold of course. The SDC seemed to find targets clearer and conducting better in the wet clays as far as I could tell. I found small nugs a few inches deeper (around the 8" to 10" mark) when damp than when the ground was dry on the same patch. Perhaps it was a more subtle, or more of a mental thing, but that's how it felt to me. Some more seasoned prospectors might have better advice in the regards of wet ground conducting better depending on the penetration depth of the moisture?

Despite the old mud and clays getting on the hands and boots, it can be easier to recover those small bits as they show up nicely when wet, particularly against the black Fiskars scoop. Nice to see the little nugs sitting cleanly in the hole while digging in damp ground too. That's always a good treat and never fails to bring a smile :)

All the best out there. Stay safe if the weather turns and gets a bit nasty storm-wise.
Kindest regards,

Good one Shauno, now I don't feel so bad about detecting on Monday and Tuesday next week in the cold and wet weather that's coming. I should do well. :)
Damn,,, I know big Nuggets are the Goal, But all of you who posted those little Critters well that's just Amazing, Well Done All Of you, Brilliant,

Hi Pete,
I have been looking on the Weatherzone+ app to see what the weather will be like tomorrow as I was heading up to Upper Beaconsfield to access some private property for a pan /sluice. After that, I plan to head to the scout camp after that as there's supposed to be a god place for the kids to tear around on bikes as well as access to the creek?
I note that the weather forecast is much better for Upper Beaky, rather than out his way. Supposed to clear up 6am - 3pm up around your way, but not clear until the arvo around here (Warragul).
I'm always impressed at how accurate that app is in correctly picking the weather.
Maybe that may help in your planning.
Thanks TD, hopefully you do well at Upper Beaky, I want to give Haunted Gully a search one day as it's only 15 mins up the road from me but from what I saw when driving past it's pretty overgrown.
I'm committed to the spot at West Gippy as my mate's coming from Traralgon and it's our usual meet up location when panning/sluicing but we've been wanting to detect an area nearby that looks like old workings for a long time now, if the rain doesn't let up then we'll drive around and search for new locations for future catch ups.
Would be keen to know how you go tomorrow and hopefully that weather report is correct for you........but wrong for my area.
Cheers, Pete.