Counterfeit/fake Minelab detectors and accessories

Prospecting Australia

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I am not condoning the actons LC76 but find the whole situation very intriguing. I am a minelab supporter, I love their technology. Even though I am not so hot on their price structure, I would never buy a copy or ill gotten product and believe in the principal of fairly rewarding a technology developer.

Unfortunately overseas production and super-profits are a bad mix when combined with corruption, unethical behaviour and a free market. In this case action has bred reaction.

If they are knockoff fakes, their efficiency and ingenuity should be applauded, they have even upped their marketing strategy to keep up with the minelab release date and adopt U.S. supplier credentials to give a perception of authenticity. Even the company name has been chosen for its acceptability in the US. Totally unscrupulous, but talented.

It is a shame they do not have the technological skill to develop an equivalent product for only 200% markup on production cost; they would make a lot of prospectors very happy if they did.

I still think product slipping out the back door is more likely, where are 4-Corners when you need them? It would make a great investigation and documentary.
I'd like to think they were the real deal so that no one gets taken for a mug, hopefully it's all legit and even at that price they are making a healthy mark up after purchasing in bulk from Minelab, It would be nice to think that Minelab had made a bulk sale and that their production costs as well as a tremendous profit had also been attained during the deal,... I could be wrong though. ;)
MJB said:
dwt said:
I have a lot of trouble with imported steel, 'Australian Tube Mills' and other Aussie made steel is far above the standard that's being imported of late, RHS, sheetmetal, pipe, flatbar, shaft and the list goes on, imported crap is cheaper but a much lower quality, even had trouble with imported alloy sheets, cracking on folding, brown rust on welding, ect.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the only way to stop them is not to support them, I ask for Australian made materials only, when it comes to fabrication, last thing I want is a customer coming back to me because I 'tight assed Charlie' on a job using inferior imported materials, let alone the thought that some materials broke and caused injury or death, bad ju ju :|
I was having the same problem here DWT but on further investigation its now law that the aussie steel manufactures have to have a certain percentage of recycled metals in their products hence the reason why you have noticed poorer quality. Cracking on folds is also a problem we had too...the steel seems to be more brittle with recycled rubbish steel in it
Australian steel manufactures have always used scrap in there steel making in at least the last 25 years so they may be selling you the Fake Aussie steel from Alibaba ;) :)
I sent him an email:

Hi Jonathan, Can you tell me where these GPXs were purchased from and can you supply serial numbers and receipts? Cant be too careful as Gumtree is apparently full of fake GPXs. Thanks

Waiting for the response........................

I ll go around with $4250 and a baseball bat. They will get the appropriate payment after inspection!
A fake on Scamtree? The site should be closed down, there are more scams than genuine sellers.
I came across a Chinese knock off of the GPX 5000 and wanted to ask if anyone had tried one and was willing to comment.

I know they are a lot cheaper than the real thing and it's not ethical so I don't want to start a flame war but they do seem to work and someone must have tried one.

:rolleyes: Buy an Aldi for $99.95. Cheaper & will work just as well if not better.

It's unethical & also illegal.
Under the Trade Marks Act 1995, it is an offence to:
sell, possess, distribute or import a good, knowing that the trade mark has been falsified or removed
They may also be illegal under several other Acts defining specific IP rights such as:
Copyright Act 1968
Patents Act 1990
Circuit Layouts Act 1989

If you have discovered a fake product, support legitimate industry by contacting the brand owner & Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000 or your local state or territory police. You can also report here:
rodger that ;) *10# supporting them, stealing decades of work and no where near the quality/durability
Lancer said:
but they do seem to work


Yes, they *seem* to work.

Some might actually work, too. But if it does, it'll be next to useless. Especially if you're looking for gold in mineralised goldfields (or looking for anything, anywhere for that matter).

Don't buy one thinking you've miraculously discovered a cut-price, working alternative to Minelab Pulse Induction detector.
I know of one that was opened up and it contained nothing more than a cheapo VLF workings inside it. VLF in a PI box. Think the poor sucker paid $2500 for it too.
This topic has been discussed to death, here and in other forums. Rather than another repetitive post, you could use the 'Search' function.
Nobody has, as yet, tested a fake Chinese knock-off that performed better than a cheap VLF. As said, you might as well go to Aldi and buy a $99 detector. Even better, but a Go-Find and support an Australian company.