Counterfeit/fake Minelab detectors and accessories

Prospecting Australia

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Horse said:
Ridge Runner said:
I hate thieves and Liars, and that clown fits both titles, Despite my Views on certain topics I won't sit and watch anyone done down,

Not a thief or a Liar....but a clown yes. Probably more like total idiot
He openly states it is a reproduction...He is just asking for a big hammer to come down on his head.

I have also reported the item to ebay.
I agree with Horse, the guy isn't lieing, he says its a re-production.
Although re-production would not be the right word, that suggests it's a quality copy.

He's still an idiot for trying to sell it, but I've sold re-production's of things before, mostly props and armour, some artworks, and there are a lot of people out there who do it. Especially in the prop and film world (with no issues and with complete understanding from both parties that these items are not 'originals'). And its normally (aside from the .5% of assholes out there) completely legit.
Once you take operations to Asia to maximize profits you open yourself up to back door trading.

How close this detector is to a genuine one remains to be seen. It may be a piece of crap or it may not, the Chinese have a habit of supplying both. It is still out of my price range even at the Chinese price.

I am pretty sure the Chinese were selling these before Minelab released them so it is pretty obvious they have had access to the technology for a while.
Looks like a U.S. supplier in this instance, just to confuse us all I suppose. :rolleyes:

" Cass City, Michigan, United States"
Yes this is crap......I was only looking on alibaba last night and noticed the sdc2300 and the garatt atx. how can they get away with bringing out these identical copys( face value only I could only imagine the internals are shit) so fast into the market? I had no idea they had already cloned the 7k as well.I was going to start a post today as well on this topic but thanks for beating me to the post I did not know about the 7k.any how, how long before unsuspecting prospectors buy one of eBay and they slowly start infiltrating the gold fields.its the second and third owner that worries me when sold second hand at 80% retail price thinking they have the real deal.that's a lot of hard earned coin for a cheap Chinese VLF machine inside a top of the line housing. I personally are discusted and I apologize in advance for some of the words used moderators but these things boil my blood :mad:
Do what I do, ask them for a free trial :D
Might give you something to bash snakes with, or use to see what would really happen if you ran over one at the current speed limit in your area,
I've never received one for a free trial, they stop emailing you back after a while when you tell them your going to test it on the moon the next time the space shuttle heads that way :|
Makes you wonder what will happen the day they get it right!,
Hope they don't.................. I'd kinda look a bit stupid standing out the front of Cape Canaveral thumbing a lift in my PA shirt and 711 service station pluggers holding a CC's pick :cool:
dwt said:
Do what I do, ask them for a free trial :D
Might give you something to bash snakes with, or use to see what would really happen if you ran over one at the current speed limit in your area,
I've never received one for a free trial, they stop emailing you back after a while when you tell them your going to test it on the moon the next time the space shuttle heads that way :|
Makes you wonder what will happen the day they get it right!,
Hope they don't.................. I'd kinda look a bit stupid standing out the front of Cape Canaveral thumbing a lift in my PA shirt and 711 service station pluggers holding a CC's pick :cool:

Hee hee, has the sun got you today dwt,
I'd love to read your amazing play mixed with a bit of sunstroke.
Cheers Steve :D ;)
That's the best response DWT.maybe you could also jam a 4 inch nail in the end of it and use it as a rake for mullick heaps :lol:
My son sold a laser to Minelab so they could remove the codes on the electronic parts of their product to make it harder to copy the electronics.
Reading some of the reports and talking to a digger who had bought a GPZ these Chinnese knockoffs might be as good as the originals.....just saying
Who's to say they arn't the real deal? They do look identical, Geez that SDC looks the bit! And wally's spot on they got the pricing correct' as the cost for a company is mainly the PCB and battery' I know for a fact the PCB assembled only costs hundeds I can't see the assembly costing much more... I wish I had $1000 to waist I'd buy one to pull apart!
You guys would really support Chinese knock off's over an Aussie company?

Me and two other bloke's were working at nugget finder a few years ago building coils until Chinese knock off coils almost put the company out of business...... It was that or lay of 3 of the newest employees.
Chinese knock off's lost me my job, don't support that crap please guy's.
Unfortuantly cheep chinese anything is taking over the world that's why we feel that our own country is ripping us off as there is no reason why Australian product couldn't be better priced' instead of being priced to make huge profits.
I think you will find nothing is 100% Australian made
If I can purchase a detector that will do the same job as a Aussie brand for less that half the price that's what I want' not saying a mock up Minelab is that machine but there's a lot of detectors coming from China.
I'm not saying that at all' what I'm saying is every Australian made product has a little bit of China in it, no matter if you build it at home in your shed the welding rods or the grinder came from China or atleast the internal components were sourced from China' Chinese product plays a huge part in our Aussie life. (I'm not chinese)

If I lived in China yes I'd be working for Chinese wages...

Getting back to Chinese Minelabs no I wouldn't buy one but if it did the same job as the $11000 unit would you buy one for $3000? Of course you would I would aswell.