Common Laws NSW

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Mar 18, 2015
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Can any of you people out there ,, tell me whether this is right ? I was detecting on Home Rule Town Common and had a fella come up to me and tell me I wasnt allowed to be there . Anyone know the rules /law ?
Edit: Location - Home Rule Town Common is in Central NSW east of Gulgong.
Unfortunately he was probably quite right. Common Lands are managed by Common Lands Trusts that are made up of members of the community close to wherever the common is.
Some Trusts such as Stuart Town & Wattle Flat allow fossicking while others are well within their rights as the land managers to not allow it. Sucks being that it is still crown land but that's the way it is.
Did the bloke introduce himself as a member of the trust? I know that they aren't really on board with fossicking out there & that there is one particular block that the Lands Dept. told me wasn't under the trusts or any other management but has a "Keep Out" or "No trespassing" sign on the gate. The Lands Dept. told me it's status is "Reserved for future public use - not under management".
I sometimes think that these little places have a self appointed mayor who thinks it best to just lock everything up. Be good to know the whole trusts view on it but seeing as though there is no shop, pub etc. out there they probably don't see any benefit in letting fossickers in.
In saying that I've been out there a couple of times & never had an issue but did have some bloke follow me around for a while. I pulled up, got out & gave him a wave but he kept driving? I just went back to detecting.
There's a couple of TSR's out that way that you should be ok to have a swing on. Give the Local Land Services a call in Mudgee?
If you did not ask for permission; then don't assume it is ok...

Some places you can detect BUT NOT RECOVER... And yes it is all about the recovery that will cause the issue.

So once again for clarity...

If you did not ask for permission to detect AND RECOVER; then don't assume it is ok...
Hi JeffP
That area is also covered by an EL held by a mob going under the name of Woodhawk, they will hunt any one away.

mbasko said:
Yep them too - Woodhawk Remediation Services.
I wonder if they're actually exploring or just re-mining waste areas? Cheap mining lease? Another slap in the face for fossickers I reckon.

What are the rules regarding ELs in NSW, as we don't need permission to detect on land under an Exploration Licence in Victoria? NB: Difference between lease and licence terminology may have an impact?

AngerManagement said:
If you did not ask for permission; then don't assume it is ok...

Some places you can detect BUT NOT RECOVER... And yes it is all about the recovery that will cause the issue.

So once again for clarity...

If you did not ask for permission to detect AND RECOVER; then don't assume it is ok...
Please save the lecture for someone else :rolleyes:

mbasko ,, the fella that approached me was not on the Trust ,, he was a "commoner" and just informed me that I was not allowed to detect there by order of "The Trust " .
He was actually a detectorist himself and said he didnt care whether I was there or not , but for some reason felt compelled to drive down to tell me this :rolleyes:
mbasko said:
Yep them too - Woodhawk Remediation Services.
I wonder if they're actually exploring or just re-mining waste areas? Cheap mining lease? Another slap in the face for fossickers I reckon.

Hi Matt,
Last time I took a look, they were just taking big chunks out of the mullock heaps for sampling/processing, spoiling the area and making an unsightly mess. And they don't respond to emails :|

Seen some more of their "exploration" the other day or a few of the big chunks out of mullock heaps & piles of rewashed mullock. Not sure how this is classed as exploration? Large scale fossicking really with machinery! Couldn't see what remediation they are doing in there. Maybe removing gold from old mullock heaps & putting the remined tailings into new piles is now classed as stopping further environmental impact? :lol:
At least the Keep Out signs have been removed from the gate. They now have it padlocked with the following signage: :rolleyes:


As far as I can find there's still no tenure on the land & they shouldn't have any right to be locking gates.
"Reserved for future public use" once Woodhawk have finished mining the tailings under an EL :mad:
;). So far this year my career, passions and lifestyle have collided with a bang! Currently I am working across a variety of roles across three different industries that are now part of my everyday. I live and work on a farm in a mining community surrounded by vineyards! Plus I'm married to a Geologist who has gold fever!

Seems legit
Thats what your supposd to believe
Im always sceptical of anyone spruking under the guise of being your friend next door
Mick, That short run down could relate to a lot of us around this area mate ;)
Not suggesting that they're not legit. Re-mining tailings under an EL seems questionable although they may be approved under their conditions to do it but my understanding is that they could only do small approved areas for testing/sampling. To systematically continue with this type of work you should need to progress to an assessment lease or full mining lease. Don't know the full extent of their work in there but have seen evidence of the sampling & processing. Like I said could be all legit under their EL but still doesn't really tick the Exploration box to me.
As for locking the gate on crown land - again could be legit but I have seen before that locking access to any crown land in NSW is not allowed unless approved by the relevant dept. & last time I checked with Crown Lands NSW those lots were "Reserved for future public use - no tenure or trust".
Hopefully we get this EL debacle sorted out here in NSW sooner rather than later. I don't want to stop or interfere in what they are doing, if above board, but I do want to be able to access & prospect/fossick land that would otherwise be suitable + available to us if I choose to go out there.
Being denied access under the guise of an EL but to carry out what appears to the outsider looking in as just large scale fossicking doesn't sit right with me. Anyway I am awaiting info from NSW Resources before blowing up too much :lol:
Nothing wrong with exploration of tailings as it's just surface sampling a low grade deposit. They've probably already drilled and sampled and are now bulk sampling and processing to see if they can mine it with a profit. The bulk sampling would need
approval but is part of the EL conditions. Here's a summary:

They appear to have done work for Hill End Gold see top page 4 and if they are working on their own EL then it's just exploration, reworking tailings with better technology is not new:

yeah mate I know that & about the processes involved. Using Google is nothing new either :lol:
If approved under their conditions it's all good. I read about their work for HEG some time ago & that was for a 12t bulk sample + they've also done other samples for them more recently. That is not ongoing re-mining of tailings & bulk sampling comes with approved size limitations. Sampling/bulk sampling as part of exploration is one thing but systematically reworking areas of mullock/tailings is another altogether if that is occurring here or elsewhere. I already know that bulk sampling of prospecting activities Category 2 (up to 60 cubic metres) & Category 3 (in excess of 60 cubic metres) require further approval on this particular EL.
Not saying they are doing anything wrong under their EL but would like to know more & why they have it locked up.
From their own company spiel they seem to be more about "reclaiming fine gold and other precious metals that the old timers missed and/or the larger mining companies ignored" not exploration as such. Sounds more like mining to me but what would I know.
What i picked up from that rather dodgy and brief link, is that they are claiming to be cleaning the tailings piles of chemicals and bad stuff for the environment, and also just a simple waste management as well. Removal of any waste.. including rock. sealing it off would be due to it being 'their workplace' for the time being and to make sure theres no open area for liabilities and the public.

I totally get why your asking though.. its odd