COMEX Registered Inventories Update

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Michael Cohen
Mar 21, 2013
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For all those who follow the GLD and Comex Inventories and gold price. Miles Franklin is the man to follow.

On August 30th i.e, nine days ago I wrote COMEX REGISTERED INVENTORIES COULD DISAPPEAR ANY DAY! In it, I described the utter collapse of available-to-purchase registered gold bullion in the COMEX warehouses; which since Aprils ALTERNATIVE CURRENCIES DESTRUCTION, have plunged an astounding 75%, from roughly 3,000,000 ounces to 700,000 ounces. Without such inventory, the COMEX would cease to exist as a price-discovery mechanism; and since 99% of global price discovery has occurred on the COMEX since it was commandeered at the turn of the century, the odds of an all-out Cartel collapse would increase exponentially. In fact, the unnatural backwardation we have experienced for the past six weeks would likely become PERMANENT; as going forward, trust that futures contracts are backed by actual metal would vanish into the ether.

Anyhow, the COMEXs weekly inventory update was just published; and lo and behold, another 15,000 registered ounces were withdrawn, taking the total down ANOTHER 2% to just 686,000 ounces. Looking at the ugly chart below, what do you think will occur next? Not to mention, given that JP Morgan has gone MASSIVELY long the gold futures market via $20+ BILLION of purchases; whilst Goldman Sachs purchased $450 MILLION of GLD shares Miles Franklin


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It appears that COMEX has been manipulting the price of gold for some time and now its actual stock is actually less than what is written on paper. this would devalue COMEX as an entity. So the supply or stack on hand of gold bullion is a lot less than what was originally perceived by many and gold prices will increase dramatically over the coming years due actual gold being held is a lot less than anticipated, this is why JP morgan and other major investors are going long. but thats just a guess.... 8)
more like there is a conspiracy theory here that involves US government controlling the price of gold to benefit the wealthy. lol :D
Rodstar said:
It appears that COMEX has been manipulting the price of gold for some time and now its actual stock is actually less than what is written on paper. this would devalue COMEX as an entity. So the supply or stack on hand of gold bullion is a lot less than what was originally perceived by many and gold prices will increase dramatically over the coming years due actual gold being held is a lot less than anticipated, this is why JP morgan and other major investors are going long. but thats just a guess.... 8)
more like there is a conspiracy theory here that involves US government controlling the price of gold to benefit the wealthy. lol :D
We may see a COMEX or GLD default in the near future.

The result could be the catalyst that shakes the metal world, and result in the market exploding to new highs.