Claims Qld

Prospecting Australia

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Aug 27, 2018
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Ive tried to no avail through google and the government sites to find idle and working claims/claim boundaries in QLD. The government site is a nightmare to go through and over the past few months I feel I am no better than the day I started. Can someone please help, I dont want to accidentally step on anothers toes.
This might help

If you do no good with that phone them 07-3199 8133
or email them [email protected]
good luck.

I can tell you for one thing. Anywhere is Queensland and every other State for that matter, that have any mineral on or even is likely to have or had minerals on it is already claimed. Anywhere not claimed you probably don't want to go there or is a park or something. I only use the mines dept sites for technical research. You could always go the extra mile and contact the company holding the ground if you like. Most will let you but that will not override private land or park or reserve land and most companies probably won't know what you are talking about and tell you to call the local exploration manager or whoever, then you spend weeks trying to chase him down.
Yeah ok Sw, I have seen people overlay areas on google maps with all the leases in the areas that they want to prospect. That way they arent trespassing. Sorry everyone I have to close my eyelids for a bit. Last nightshift tonight.