Cement mixers to break down clay

Prospecting Australia

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Jun 24, 2013
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G'day everyone,
Has anyone had any experience using cement mixers to break down clay and do rough separation? I was thinking of using one/multiple so it'd break down clay and perhaps use a wetting agent to aid the clay breakdown and stop gold from floating.
I'm thinking about building a slide on trommel to go into the trailer. I reckon a old 45Kg gas cylinder would be good to use as the drum. Or perhaps two side by side with a common hopper.
Dunno what pump to decide on, might be easiest to use one of those flex drive submersible pumps.
Anyone have any suggestions for breaking down clay or some sort of trommel set up? Ideas?

Hay Alex,
I don't want to rain on your parade but I just had a look at the regulations for Tassie and found the following.

Only hand prospecting for material is allowed and only hand-held tools may be used. The use of mechanical machinery or any explosives is prohibited. The use of sluices and trommels and motorised pumps is not permitted. The licence will be withdrawn from any person breaching this condition.

I found it here-: http://www.mrt.tas.gov.au/portal/page?_pageid=35,831319&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL

Alex said:
G'day everyone,
Has anyone had any experience using cement mixers to break down clay and do rough separation? I was thinking of using one/multiple so it'd break down clay and perhaps use a wetting agent to aid the clay breakdown and stop gold from floating.
I'm thinking about building a slide on trommel to go into the trailer. I reckon a old 45Kg gas cylinder would be good to use as the drum. Or perhaps two side by side with a common hopper.
Dunno what pump to decide on, might be easiest to use one of those flex drive submersible pumps.
Anyone have any suggestions for breaking down clay or some sort of trommel set up? Ideas?


i guess you could use your shovel to legally dig up clay and take a few buckets home with you as long as you take back the remnants on your next trip there after you finish panning

If you pan some and decide its not working out , then you could always throw the rest in the concrete mixer next time you need to repair some concrete in the driveway

dunno . check the regulations in your area .

as BC said above , you could check the regulations to make sure you're doing it all correctly to keep everyone happy
Ok so I've got some new Virgin ground I know for a fact, it's ancient and has never ever been touched I done some test panning and got this,

However I'm thinking this hardpack is full of dry clay, now I took about 10 small shovels from 3 locations a few meters apart, I put it through a quarter inch mesh and ran it through the Highbanker washing the rocks in the top, I estimate I can run a big white bucket of quarter inch classified in under 5min however the bigger rocks slow me down washing

My Question is, if I classify 1/4" and then throw the bigger rocks and larger than 1/4 rocks into a cement mixer (modified) to further scrub the rocks and break down the clay and then run that after I've put suffiecient material into it I can save time with not washing rocks in the Highbanker and focus more on pay dirt

Has anyone got any suggestions? A trommel would be perfect but I don't have the money to buy one yet, I feel after getting this result for very little time it would be worth getting one but in the mean time until I can afford or lend one
Ideas would be appreciated

Here is a short video of my Highbanker, had to cut it short due to language warning, after all tests I've found no gold makes it past Wals idea of the expanded it literally catches everything, I keep the river sluice under it for backup but have never found anything in it, nor anything past the 2riffle

P.s this is only my third run since modification
Can't help on the separating or sluice part, but certainly looks like your on some good colour there. I am sure you will refine the process you seem to be pretty resourceful. Best of luck look forward to seeing the results.
I'll figure it out somehow, it's sensation ground to work I think I'll get about a gram too 3G to the ton hopefully and once I can sort out the proccess we will move 2 ton a day with two sluices, best part with my sluice I dnt need to clean it out for at least 4 hours of hammering
Hey Mate, I use to know an old codger who had the same issues as you and he got about half a dozen steel balls from a ball mill crusher at another mine site and he chucked them in with his clay balls in the cement mixer for a while and hey presto, all good.
Correct me if I'm wrong here guys with more knowledge than myself but if you save your tailings and take them home and then apply "Gypsum" very liberally in your drums it will break down the clay, the ratio on how long and how much I am not qualified to say or even guess, it might be "suck it and see" and workout your own method. cheers

I have seen some cement mixers modified to recover gold.
Mainly for dry material but I can not see a problem with using a set of paddles to break up clay.
An agent either soap or gypsum to help break down clay would be great.
Yeah I thought of soap to and possibly gypsum, I for now am saving my rock pile after classifing to re-work them once more capable, I'll be at this spot for years at this rate, but if the color keeps coming then so will i
I would do the same thing Mate. LOL
Oh it would be sooo good to have a good spot on the door step only a few minutes away. :D
I've got a spare room for you any day my friend, I'd trust you'll keep the spot to us until we've cleaned it out, I'll offer a few more reliable fellers to come along once we set up properly
That is one thing I hold with honor.
To be trusted.
To be shown something like that because a person is excited about what they are doing, I would not ever blab about it.
That does not just go with prospecting either.
Thank You my friend.
That meant a lot to me. :)
Now all I have to do is work out when I am over near your area. There are a few members I would like to meet in person. That would probably be around October this year.
Just before the silly season starts and it does not get to hot. LOL.
Just keep the place to yourself at the moment and if it does pay well maybe put a claim on it.
I use soapy biodegradable water in the dry mixture to break down any clods of dirt for about a day or so then run it thru the banker.
A lot of gold can be washed out if dry material is thrown in, which dosent have time to dissolve properly.
I have just soaked 12 bkts for myself and this weekend I hope to run them thru, I am going to put it all thru the EZ Sluice for a change.
No noise, just the ripple of water and the boys trying to catch a fish or 2.
Good luck with your spot and keep hush hush as you don't want the undesirables finding out, it has happened to me on some occasions.
Only select few for the job.
That's some chunky lookin gold next1m8 ... well done. . Good luck with it all hope you do well :)
That's the Ticket mate,
Seek and thou will find. :) :)
I have a spot lined up like that. Ore that was extracted but not processed in the 1900's and have very exclusive, elusive access with the bonus it is on private land.
Been too bloody wet to work it yet but it isn't going to go far.
Yes, Keep quite about where it is or it will get done over real quick. :) By the time I am over your way I hope you have mopped it up.
Looking forwards to your results.
Mate it's going to take me a year just to do this one bloody heap of it, that's not including the ore dump that was abandoned at the nearby mine, phew I'm puddling 5 tubs at home without proper equipment out there I'll just be throwing gold away, and need a reliable 4x4
Take it easy.
With what you have, Give it time.
Remember, 5 Ounces will get you an early Hilux or similar.
1 Ounce will get you some gear to start processing in earnest.
Start small, Expand while the going is good. But do not go Mad.
The old timers even though were very, very good at reading the ground did not get it all.
If the shovel was not heavy, They chucked it to one side and only took what they could see.
Along comes the China man. Made a killing out of what was left.
We, these days have a lot in our favor in what we can utilize in Gold Getting.
Enjoy it mate, You have earn't it. :D

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