Campfire Stories, The unknown and unusual

Prospecting Australia

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He is making videos that people all over the world are enjoying. We are just sitting here bitching about it. Busted 1 vs the rest of us 0. Personally I would hate to put my ugly face on youtube and steer clear of cameras but it takes all sorts.
I love the bush often camp by myself never have had any reason to wory.sometimes posoms, wombats , or foxes aproach to very close before you are aware of them .that can be a bit scary for a moment. had a fox going between my legs and the chair I was sitting on once .on another occacion fel asleep in the chair when somthing woke me up ,it was a wombat sniffing on my boots all part of the bush
How many stories you want?

Solo, pair or in a group.

Plenty of weird stuff out there mate, but experience tells me that anyone wanting to recount anything weird is usually mocked. Thats the nature of things.

But in the interest of the thread Ill give you one.

About 16 or 17 went out with a few mates camping, all scouts just enjoying the bush. Camped at a lake, fished the afternoon, built a fire before dark. Autumn or Spring I can say for certain but it was nice sunny day and chilly in the evening.

Mate of mine caught sight of a shooting star and got us all to look. Got brighter and the tail of the star didnt fade out, stayed illuminated behind the bright point. I started thinking it might be more like a meteor, or bigger object the way it looked.

Anyway it goes about 3 or 4 degress across the sky then goes back up the tail behind it, like it was in reverse. Couple of the lads were asking out loud what would do that, while I just watched it in silence and completely mystified.

As the tail dissappears completely and the bright starpoint is all that can be seen it starts getting brighter. In hindsight it was coming toward us rather than across the sky in an arc.

Got to the size of about a 1c piece held up in the sky while still fully illuminated in a bright white light (which was plenty huge for my mouth to be wide open) before it kind of faded to be like a dark round shape, still getting bigger just not illuminated.

As it came closer it seemed to be getting faster until it moved almost overhead. Like watching an airliner come in during the day, but this was only about the size of a bus, flat on the bottom, circle shape, and kind of domed on top. I guess maybe 40m from us overhead at its closest point, going slow but steady, completely silent. By this stage 2 of the guys with us had well and truly :poop: themselves and tried hiding in the tents. I just watched this thing move over my view, as I turned to follow it with my eyes utterly awestruck as it silently passed us. My heart beat so fast I could feel the thudding in my neck and head.

As it got a few seconds of flight beyond us it just changed speed, still with no noise, and just flew moving in that same heading at incomprehensible speed till it was out of view. Couldnt have been more than 5 or 6 seconds and it was too far away to see it. Blew my mind. Ive seen various jet fighters before that and since but this thing was next level the way it just almost instantly went from a slow cruise to beyond view.

I catch up regularly with a couple of them still and yet weve seldom had a long conversation about it, mostly because (for them) its just such a strange thing to be a part of. I dont mind myself, feel kind of lucky to be right place, right moment.

Mostly now if someone has had an experience that was a bit strange I just listen. Seen too many things I cant just place in a box with a label. If Ive lost my marbles...well how would I know :lol:
Speaking of busted I am busting to get back to a creek in north queensland. Got some real chunky gold on my last day there and my mother in law got lost and almost fell down a mine shaft. Happy days.
Actually as far as mother in laws go she is not a bad one. Did it come across I was happy she almost fell down a mine shaft ? :playful:
G,day Oldgt i had a very similar experience back in the 80s. My son who was 14 at the time and i were hunting fox,s on the nullabour about 250ks above the railway, in the middle of nowhere.about 2am we were spotlighting through an area when suddenly we were illuminated by the brightest light i have ever seen it was directly above us and o bright we couldn't see anything else. It stayed there for what seemed like 4 to 5 minutes , totally silent, then still with no noise it sped of and was over the horizon in seconds. You can see a long way in that flat country so i couldn't even guess it's speed. You still in the gt , i live there now so would like to catch up sometime.
I too have seen things that are what I consider...not of this earth.The latest was back in January. It was a disc shaped object following the shoreline from south to north about one kilometre distant and appeared to be about 30-40 metres across. My field of vision extended to about 2k's and it took at least 3-4 minutes for the object to cover that distance. It had a domed structure on top and the whole outer shape was lined with reddish-orange lights. :8 It was totally silent. In my rush to alert my wife to come and see, I neglected to grab a few pics of the object. It was totally awesome to behold...and I felt no fear or concern for our safety at all. I often sit on my deck of a night with my phone at hand...hoping to have the opportunity once more to photograph it...alas not so far.
Saw an object above Port Phillip Bay near the Hampton Hotel probably 50 yrs ago. A super bright star like object all of a sudden taking of at electrifying speed across the sky going South East. 3 of us saw it all sober mouths open. Nothing on earth could go that fast without noise.......

reynard said:
You still in the gt , i live there now so would like to catch up sometime.

No mate but Im within a comfortable drive, shoot a pm anytime, once the world goes back to normal Im sure we could catch up :Y:
This should probably be in the classified section, but it does seem more suited to here-

My Mother inlaw will haunt houses for a flat rate of $85 per hour. Service includes unannounced visitations, inappropriate voice-overs, and Psychic interference of relationships.

Pm me if interesed,

Bit of thread drift from weird stuff in the bush to BK.

Never seen weird stuff flying around, Ive got about 19000 Flt hrs mostly at night.

However the weird story I have actually is a bit like BKs

Theres a spot I go trout fishing a bit, and twice, Ive had the being watched feeling and then a really strong GO AWAY YOU DONT BELONG HERE THIS IS NOT YOUR PLACE feeling. Same as BK the bush seemed to go really quiet, no bird noise. No cicadas, insect noise even the bloody March flies seemed to have gone away/ were lying low.

The feeling was so uncomfortable I backed back down the creek and left.

The first time it happened it spooked me so bad I didnt go back to that spot for about three years until I had convinced myself it had been my imagination, couldnt have been as bad as that etc. like I wasnt outright avoiding it but I could always find a reason to just go fish some where else.

Then I got a few nice trips in there and thought I must have given myself the heeby jeebies.

But it happened again two years ago, same spot, different time of year. Told myself it was BS and pushed on a bit, it got to the point I was cold sweating and the feeling was that the landscape hated me, the ground under my feet the trees the grass the sky, I mean really loathed me and I backed out downstream again.

Been back twice since, all ok, but next time Im there and I start to get the slightest sniff that Im not wanted. Im going to bow, say sorry to intrude, thank you for letting me in last time and go fish somewhere else.

Havent told a lot of people about it because it sounds weird, but I cant express how Strong the feeling was. The Aborigines Ive known some of them have talked to me about country. Well on those two days the country just did not want me there.
My Dad used to tell me a story of when he would go night time eel fishing out of Ballarat. He wanted to try a new section of water for the first time. Parked the car & walked for a bit before arriving at the edge of the water. He said on the way there he thought he heard footsteps, but figured it was just the wind.

Got his 6 eel lines out, baited them & put each one out in turn all set up with a bell on each one. He then opened up his stool & sat down. Within 2 minutes the wind stopped & all 6 bells started going off quite vigorously. As he got to each one, the bell would stop, but each line was still slack exactly how he set it pinched in the mud. Checked each one & reset them. Sat down & again every one went off again. He just sat there, then the wind erupted with a gust knocking his hat off.

He gathered all his lines & got the hell out of there. Got the feeling something did not want him there.
Was up in queensland on a sand stone escarpment out bush. Everything suddenly went unusually quiet, all the birds stopped signing and then the dogs ran off. I smelt a strange smell like the lions at the zoo. Suddenly I saw something sitting still on a log staring at me about 50 meters away. It was like a dog but it's eyes were too big to be a dog . So I also ran off like the dogs but instead of a tale between my legs I just had a fresh turd.
My Dad drove thousands of miles throughout Australia from the late 40's to late 60's and recited multiple min min light sightings. He always said his 1st and early sightings were the scary ones but with future sightings he said he didn't worry/freak out anywhere near as much as he did with the early sightings. To his last living day he had no idea of what caused them where they come from and where they vanished too but one thing is clear in my mind they exist for what ever reason. Geez what I'd give to sit with the old man and hear all his tales again, RIP Dad :flowers: you Legend :power: :beer:
Forget about busted knuckles yowie sighting, wait till you hear what happened to poor old Bongo in the Pilliga.....

Dang, when I heard this in the 80's on the John Laws programme, he says to Bongo after Bongo says "it must be a he cause if it was a she there is something wrong in the world", "what did it do to you " and Bongo replies "it violated me" which had everyone on the floor in stitches. :) This bit seems to have been removed from all modern copies due to the PC brigade.
Well!,,,I think this poor bloke has certainly gone through a great deal of trauma of some kind, that's for sure.In the early stages of his interview he seemed quite calm and collected and gives a plausible description of the scenario. As he then describes the encounter with the 'yowie' or whatever he becomes very much disturbed and if to speak about it triggers the re-living of the event he endured....don't know what to think quite frankly...poor bugger.If on the other hand it was some kind of a hoax at the time then it surely sucked me right in...ain't go'in ter Coonabarabran anytime soon though!. :8 :poop: