Buying gold and concentrates/paydirt

Prospecting Australia

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Rockhunter62 said:
Hi Badgercreek,

Yes "the unkown sucks you in" but I find it easier to dig a signal on my detector than digging holes in gem fields hoping to find a nice stone. :)

It is good to see that you are enjoying your new hobby.


Haha, funny you say that! Just been checking out some detectors. What should I go for?
Hi Badgercreek,

We bought the Minelab SDC2300 and we love it. I could afford it and we are using this as a lead in and learning to upgrade to a GPX 5000 or a GPZ 7000. We have found a few small nuggets on our first trip out and intend to find many more.

The type of detecting you want to do will factor in what detector to buy, ie; treasure, relics, coins or gold.

We love just getting out in the bush away from the rat race and enjoying the lovely outback that we have been graced with. :cool:


G'day All! Redzap01 here. I'm new to the business of gold panning, and sadly can't cure my fever due to not living near gold bearing locations! :(

I've started buying gold paydirt and concentrates on eBay but can hardly find a single seller. I read about Digger Toms cons however can't find where to purchase his products. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

If anyone has an bags of paydirt or concentrates I'd most definitely be interested in purchasing them. I'm also after fine gold flakes and floor gold as trying to fill up a vial with the yellow stuff :)

A few months back these were the results from 1/2 pound, 250 gram bag of paydirt for $50. Does this sound like it was worth the money?


Sorry all for the long post. Look forward to all your replies!

Cheers :)
Use the search icon in top left corner of screen , digger toms dirt was good stufff but i cant say i have noticed him on here lately .
Send him a private msg and he should get back to you
At today's spot price, .55 g of gold is worth about $29. A bit less if you are selling!

That's a good return for a bag of paydirt, and considering the object of the exercise is not to strike it rich, but to scratch the gold itch, improve your panning technique or just to kill some time, I reckon it's a pretty good result!
Redzap01 said:
A few months back these were the results from 1/2 pound, 250 gram bag of paydirt for $50. Does this sound like it was worth the money?

It depends on the value you put on the experience. At $1640/Oz and you have about 1/57 oz = $29 approx. I'd think that's pretty good.

I think the small vials can hold an ounce red so might be worth thinking about a road trip
Hi all, Wasn't sure whether I should even put this article in.
I have a friend who wants to sell his goldmine. It's located in some godforsaken area in the Pilbara called Nullagai (or something spelt this way). Anyway it's at mosquito creek and it's called the Parnell gold mine. He had an assay done showing that it can produce 1 onz of gold per one cubic metre of rock. Just for the fun of it, I did once put it on gumtree and I had a squillion inquiries about it and people telling me that they have front end loaders and bob cats, picks and shovels, etc etc and wanted to come but not one genuine offer to buy.
SO, if you got cash, why not buy a real gold mine instead of playing around with concentrates. I can get a few dollars commission for finding a buyer hahahah and everyone's happy.
The downsize is that there is no machinery except a few rusty implements, an old tin shed. The temperature nearly killed him a few months ago when it reached 48c
and if you die out there no one will find you for years. No mobile connection. Not sure if the flies exist, I think the heat killed them.
Like I said, I'm not sure whether I should have put this in. At least it gives food for thought on how hard the the miners had it.
Thankyou all for the replies! I did send Tom a pm however I think he doesn't sell anymore.
I would like to have a crack at panning one of the creek one day but reckon the return from a bag of paydirt would be much greater than anything found around Brisbane area. Thanks!