Buying gold and concentrates/paydirt

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Wow thats awesome, well done cecc and well done digger tom for supplying pay dirt for people to pan out. I haven't thought about panning for gold until reading these posts, it has me inspired to find a creek close by to pan for gold and i might have to grab a few bags to practice with aswell :D

Have you had a chance to weigh the gold yet cecc?
Sounds like digger tom has found a nice spot. It is generous of him to give everyone the opportunity to "have a crack" :)

M3talmiliti4 said:
Wow thats awesome, well done cecc and well done digger tom for supplying pay dirt for people to pan out. I haven't thought about panning for gold until reading these posts, it has me inspired to find a creek close by to pan for gold and i might have to grab a few bags to practice with aswell :D

Have you had a chance to weigh the gold yet cecc?

No not yet when I'm all finished and cleaned it properly and weighed I'll let you guys know.
Yeah he's a great guy, have dealt with a few others and none compare to the quality and great customer support as Tom does. Yeah it inspires me to get out too, when I get my license am planning to head up to Gympie and meet up with another forum member, can't wait should be good, nothing like getting out there. I struggle a bit with age and some injuries, one total knee reconstruction, and bad neck, but hey, I just push through it, better than sitting at home seizing up. Still got a bit more to do from the 2nd bad and will do a video when I have done all of that, cheers everyone.

I have bought several of Digger Tom's concentrate bags and my results are similar to the videos here. I've weighed the gold most times and it's around 0.3gr on average. I've even got a couple of pickers. One satisfied customer.

I'll note that a good percentage of the gold was from re-panning the discards from the first pan. Whether being careful or panning quick, a fair amount of gold found its way out of the pan (quite fine stuff obviously). Even a 3rd panning often still gave a handful of colours.
Good one DavidH yeah I love his cons, will go back again for sure, would like to get down there one day, and He and I can go for a dig

For anyone wanting to contact Tom you can get him here:=>[email protected]

Just ordered 4 bags of diggertoms cons, 2 for the father inlaw for christmas :D
I know what ill be doing during the christmas break :)

Good one M3 I bet he'll love it, and you too. Enjoy your Christmas and your family.

Thanks Len, you too.

I can see us now, panning for gold on christmas day without being to far away from the christmas ham, fresh prawns and icey cold beer :D

Yeah way to go M3, it will be right up there with the Ham and Turkey.....and beer...hahah.
Thanks Jaros, I try to expand it out so I have something to do over a couple of days, gives you something to look forward too. Hope you too find some good color, I'm confident you will.


Well done Len. Good amount of colour again from the 2nd bag, very consistant, did you end up getting a chance to weigh it at all?

Seeing the results from the 2nd bag just makes waiting for my bags just that little bit harder, lol :)

I bought my first pan today, I've heard the oils in the plastic can cause grief whilst panning, what is the best way to pre prep the pan and get rid of any oily residue from the surface of the pan? I read that leaving it out in the sun for a couple of days helps, does this work?

warm soapy water and scrub it with fine sand.
Do this a couple of times until you see light scratches on all the surfaces.
you will know it is prepped properly when water does not bead in the pan. :D :D