Billy Blue or Billy Bulloo's Gold

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Nov 2, 2018
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I am currently writing a book about Billy Blue or also known as Billy Bulloo, who was an Aboriginal man from the Shoalhaven area, NSW who had a secret gold reef in the late 19th Century and possibly had a son that continued to work the reef under the same name in the early part of the 20th Century.

As there are recent mentions of Billy Blue and his secret gold reef, I am interested to know if anyone would like to submit any research or information for use in the publication.
Ive read of him a bit gold legend,there was an old report somewhere i read of them finding a 1oz in the garden of the old pub he frequented when he came to town.
My father and i worked on Tolwong station when i was in my teens so 35+ yrs back,Harold and Ron crisp were alive and well back then,the first time we were out there harold took us across the paddocks behind the homestead,we went over to a spot where you had a good view of the shoalhaven river,i remember harold tellin the story as we were looking down the gorge of billi and his gold,harold pointed to a spot and said thats roughly the area where hed get his gold,i think there might be a billi bullus bluff on the maps maybe?
Theyd just got there first television (a tiny b&w) at tolwong then,it was exciting times for them.
Im not sold on the story of a rich reef in that area but its a great old story no doubt,lotsa gold in that river so i think its possible he rolled into nowra with a bit sometimes.
I walked some of that country probably 15yrs later when i got interested in detecting,there is some old workings down tims gully,also called peach tree canal.
Definetly interested in your book when its finished,id love a copy.....
Goldchaser we had a neighbour that lived on that plateau for most of her early life and she talked about going down to the river and it being a hands and knees job to get back to the top, we asked about being able to go out to Tolwong and the other one that is in the same area. Touga I think it was, it was still owned by the same family, but was told that Tolwong was out of bounds now for all and while the person we were dealing with were considering letting us on their property the whole area is now National Park surrounding the 2 properties so nothing can be done except walk and look and I think the owner had been treated badly by others in the past and things were progressing very slowly, so we gave the idea away. Did ask another member of the same family about another property, but they also have had problems in the past, so nothing was forthcoming there either. The neighbour died a couple of years ago, there were some stories she told us and she was going to write it all down, but I do not think ever got around to it.

2late yeah touga rings a bell,on some maps there was a cuppla old prospects marked,i got close but never found any old spots etc,most tracks were overgrown and not used anymore.
Your jolting my memory,i dont think it was the rolfes but someone had a big block all down that touga area i think,it wasnt tolwongs im sure,i was probably 13-14 the first time i went out with dad,wed camp in the old cattlemans hut about 3/4 of the way in,allways took a big bag of snags and some of the latests papers into ron and harold then go camp at the hut for 2-3 days usually.
I met a bloke at nerriga a few times 10-12 yrs ago and he actually had 20 or 30 acres to the left after tolwongs gate and he spent years out there on an off and knew the crisps very well,think he had a little mill and mucked about with a bit of timber out there mainly.
I thought the parks owned the old station now to?
It would be @ 17 yrs ago i went back out there lookin about with the detector a bit,never found anything but did a few full day hikes into the hills along the river,some spots ya couldnt stand still,just to steep.
We tried to get out to the old copper shows one day also,way out on the river,i cant recall the name of the area but the track was to overgrown after a few klms,theres a cuppla big stacks and all sorts of stuff still standing out there i beleive,in my research i found out there was old gold leases at that spot i think long before they mined it for copper,i was gonna go back out on one of my dirt bikes but started finding gold in other areas out there so never got around to it.
I came across another old report 2late back in them days that spoke of fresh diggings out that way on a range,they were getting nuggety gold up off a creek the biggest bit was 4 or 7 ozs,i searched tims gully area on the ridges thinking this was the area,found a few stray holes but dont beleive it was the area,the turn of the century report had directions but all in very early area names that history devoured,i found an old book with a real early map that gave me a starting point but very vague info,bugs me,i think this area is still out there to be found.Tabincula i think was mentioned. Or something like that.
So your neighbour was at touga?
Was there a homestead there in the early days?
She would of known the crisps quite well i gather,they say thats billis stomping grounds down the back of all this country on the river.....
Goldchaser, Just spoke to the daughter of our neighbour and her maiden name was Mildred Alley, apparently a lot information was written down, not sure if it was her history or her husbands's Ken Rolfe. The daughter is going to have a look to see what is in it and let me know. I think that the original owners/lessees of Touga were the Alleys as Mildred spoke of her and her father on droving cattle between the two properties and being out for days at a time, her schooling was minimal. Apparently there was an aboriginal who would come to the Touga property, Mildred was frightened of him, not known why and he was known as King Billie. There have been two books written about the area one was I think J Sturgiss, unable to find anything and another that I will get more info when I hear from the daughter. The attached minview is of the two properties, top cleared area being Tolwong and the semi square towards the bottom is Touga, the Shoalhaven river runs around Touga. The National Parks have set up numerous cameras in trees along the various tracks looking for number plates of vehicles using the area and it is a long way in to Tolwong. More info when it becomes available. Sorry Gold legend to take over your post, if the info is of any use go for it.

The book by James Sturgiss may be called The man from Misty Mountain, just found this.
This may give some indication of what the country is like in this area, just found it while searching for Sturgiss.

Thanks 2late and appologies to gold legend also,interesting info on the area though,yeah sturgiss rings a big bell,ill have a squizz amongst my stuff,that might be the book with the early map i was talking of,the map was 1850-60 i think,had a mate fly over from wa to catch up with the boys a few weeks ago at nerriga,i lent him one of my old nerriga topos,hes up shark bay so itll be a while b4 i get that back,i think that areas on the enrick map,not sure if i have one left.
The alleys ive heard of and my dad did a fair bit of horse riding with a couple of the rolfes,i sold a nice nugget to one of the rolfes 15 + yrs ago id say,was nerriga gold and he made a pendant for his wife,i spoke to them about access to a few spots back then but theyd had a gutfull of idiots allready,even them knowing my dad didnt help,piggers caused alot of problems out there.
Sad situation if you cant even access the area,top of tims gully,near peach tree canal area was a lovely camping area.....
Hey all . I'm not a crisp but consider myself one . Harold was like my dad . if u wish to no anything let me no . I will say I new them very well . mark was Harold's son not his brothers . Ronny and my father buried a dead girl at iron pot in 1986 after Harold found her . detectives have been there she's ended up at iron pot ..loved Harold and Ronny but they had there demons .
Erin has the farm now . I no her and she doesn't want anyone there . if people wish to disrespect the place well u can't blame her . it was my home for yrs love the place so much the place has changed and to c it changed broke my heart . but its Erin's home . dont annoy her or her family OK . thanx .
Last msg . no one left it to Erin and she did not inherit it . the boys all died without wills and got it given to her . lucky poop . beautiful place rode it all on horseback . bye my home still in my heart
Harold never spoke much of gold buy spoke of it as something that went on yrs before . mines out there as u no creeks so .
Mick there bro found a dead person gased in a car . in 1994 a man and died burnt alive in a hut . if that place could talk tolwong .
G'day Crispy welcome to PA :beer: tell us a bit about your prospecting what you like and where you've been. I notice your interest in this thread and the topic location, you could have told us all this in one post or are you fast tracking yourself to 10 post's :/
Hi just replying to things at tolwong mate wanting to no about the place a bit ..spoke of Harold and Ronny