big gold finds and whats underneath them

Prospecting Australia

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Apr 16, 2013
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Sydney, NSW
Over the last few decades there has been thousands of people walking around with detectors , many of them finding big patches of gold

So they dig it up and go buy a house or ferrari or 50 polo horses . whatever takes their fancy

" BUT "

If they found 20 ounces or 500 ounces it would have been within the top few feet of the surface.

What about whats below the surface in the few hundred metres below that ?

Those few hundred ounces you took home were an indicator of a possible resource that could have been 300,000 ounces which might never be found .

Do any of us consider it appropriate to record the information and do something with it so that knowledge is not discarded and devalued ?

We could notify DPI

sell the info to a miner with an upfront payment plus a royalty return

pay for a geological survey , drill a few core samples , and then do a deal with miners with a royalty return

any thoughts or thunks contemplations or musings to share ?

navel gazing permitted as long as you donate spare navel lint to my grandmas knitting circle ( i hear it makes a great tea cozy )

I would love to see an ad hoc system of self-reporting encouraged by exploration licence holders, where they offer people like us a small fee (or simply access) for information about our finds on their exploration leases. We could agree to fill out a form from the exploration lease holder to accurately and honestly report any/all finds on their lease to them in exchange for the right to freely prospect on their lease. Effectively they would be subcontracting some exploration costs to us prospectors. This would encourage us, and them to open up and test vast areas where we couldn't previously access.

As long as our information was accurate and honest, and you had your bona fides acknowledged by the lease holder, small-time prospectors could add some value.

As for the navel lint, I prefer pocket fluff for crochet. Earwax is a good additive to use to fix a dye.
I personally would avoid reporting high level finds to the dpi or mining groups etc, sure it means more money in your pocket, but it wouldn't really take that long before big mining companies lease up all the available land thus preventing anyone else prospecting.
Ditherer and Son said:
I would love to see an ad hoc system of self-reporting encouraged by exploration licence holders, where they offer people like us a small fee (or simply access) for information about our finds on their exploration leases. We could agree to fill out a form from the exploration lease holder to accurately and honestly report any/all finds on their lease to them in exchange for the right to freely prospect on their lease. Effectively they would be subcontracting some exploration costs to us prospectors. This would encourage us, and them to open up and test vast areas where we couldn't previously access.

As long as our information was accurate and honest, and you had your bona fides acknowledged by the lease holder, small-time prospectors could add some value.

As for the navel lint, I prefer pocket fluff for crochet. Earwax is a good additive to use to fix a dye.

not a bad idea.

how about we write a letter to some miners "on behalf of the forum" and see what ideas or views they might share or offer ?

doesnt hurt to communicate
garnethawkins said:
I personally would avoid reporting high level finds to the dpi or mining groups etc, sure it means more money in your pocket, but it wouldn't really take that long before big mining companies lease up all the available land thus preventing anyone else prospecting.

Agreed ! :)
Just PM me all the locations of big nugget finds and I'll put it in my folder at home.
garnethawkins said:
I personally would avoid reporting high level finds to the dpi or mining groups etc, sure it means more money in your pocket, but it wouldn't really take that long before big mining companies lease up all the available land thus preventing anyone else prospecting.

90% of land you prospect on would have a lease on it already in all states.
If more people reported there finds it would increase access in my opinion. Many deposits in WA have been found with metal detectors. The thing most people don't understand is that the mining companies aren't interested in taking your 10-20oz of you, they only want to know where it came from so they can drill it. Lots of access has been closed in recent years because of people not wanting to disclose their patches therefor mining companies get the shits when no finds are reported but there are obvious dig holes everywhere.

I agree with Diggerdude. I've only had to seek permission a few times to detect on Exploration/Mining leases. Mostly, they wanted to know how much was found and where. One actually wrote back to me and thanked me as they found my information useful - although the bits we found were little, few and far between they were in a particular area. I'm sure they will look favourably to any future request from me back on (if I remind them :) ).

Funnily enough one mining company did not ask me to let them know what I found and where - they were not a gold mining company - but they did ask me to report if I saw anything suspicious (I didn't see anything suspicious so was not put in the position to report anything).

ps one company refused me permission to enter (they were an active mining operation).

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