beach detecting is next level!

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Sep 24, 2015
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After a few years now of mainly cherry picking gold coins out of the ground with a Deus and now the Nox800 I decided to have a fair crack at beach detecting today...I had dabbled, got annoyed with all the sounds (only keep 21 & 22 on the Nox) and didnt have a beach scoop...
Now I have a beach scoop and thought thatd make all the difference - I was sure jewellery was only moments away! I put the nox in beach 1, got rid of the minus numbers and hit the lowest tide mark on low tide. So many sounds and a new found respect for beach detectorists.
A few questions...
do you dig all sounds - you must dig a lot of deep holes?! Or just dig clear, shallower signals?
Do you use the beach scoop to dig the massive holes or a shovel!
Does the pin pointer play a role on the beach?
Do you put the machine down to dig the big holes cause its hard yakka with the scoop on a pole!
I got a few dog tags and 5 cents....luckily the morning before the low tide gave me $40 in goldies on the grass in my comfort zone!

SDC2300 is better than the NOX on the beach...

Scoop and fill ya holes after wards

I dig the good signals, but the CTX3030 allows me to cherry pick and some can be knee deep. bottle tops on the Surface I pick up but any under the surface I leave for others, same for bobby pins and ring pulls and ally or cans...

Pin pointer when around rocks or where stuff gets caught; but Garrett is useless in salt water as you have to de tune it so much, thus loose depth. A good PI pinpointer save lots of time and frustration on some hunts..
Its not just a walk in the park stru ;)
All those sounds ... sounds like falsing to me
I mask out iron targets and dig everything else
Ive never used a Nox or Deus , so,not sure of what settings to use or if they are even compatible with wet sand detecting.
Ive only used the sovereign for beach hunting(i did use the CTX in the water a couple of times though)
Ive dug some deep holes !
I have made a plastic shovel (intended for dry sand) but have never used it yet
I only ever use a scoop. Have broken them, repaired them , and made my own (3 different) to suit my needs
I dont generally use a pinpointer on the beach unless hunting on the rock shelf(covered in sand) for goodies in the cracks and crevices
My set up allows me to drop my detector (hip mounted control box) when i need to use both hands to dig deep holes quicker when on the edge of the water. Deep holes tend to become big shallow holes very quickly ;)
It takes a while to learn how to read a beach and even longer to understand a particular beach
Like anything ... research and persistence pays off in the end
Long handle beach scoop you cant beat.....Dig all need for a pointer on the beach. Unless around rocks tree roots ect.. :Y:
Stru said:
After a few years now of mainly cherry picking gold coins out of the ground with a Deus and now the Nox800 I decided to have a fair crack at beach detecting today...I had dabbled, got annoyed with all the sounds (only keep 21 & 22 on the Nox) and didnt have a beach scoop...
Now I have a beach scoop and thought thatd make all the difference - I was sure jewellery was only moments away! I put the nox in beach 1, got rid of the minus numbers and hit the lowest tide mark on low tide. So many sounds and a new found respect for beach detectorists.
A few questions...
do you dig all sounds - you must dig a lot of deep holes?! Or just dig clear, shallower signals?
Do you use the beach scoop to dig the massive holes or a shovel!
Does the pin pointer play a role on the beach?
Do you put the machine down to dig the big holes cause its hard yakka with the scoop on a pole!
I got a few dog tags and 5 cents....luckily the morning before the low tide gave me $40 in goldies on the grass in my comfort zone!


Hi Stru - anger management is right , sdc2300 is good on the beach particularly for finding hairpins :playful: definately use a long handle sand scoop , metal , wooden handle ones break . With jewellery, its not an everyday occurrence, luck , time and effort all play a role , and you have more chance finding it in the water than out .
This find was the culmination of an 8 hour night detect


I use a garret carett at the beach as its water proof , limit my headlamp time to when I find something special. If there are other detectorists around take note of their footwear clothes and detectors , it will tell you a lot about their target areas and help you with where your going to target . Pay attention to their technique. Using a shovel will just bring attention to yourself unless your benching a cut at night. Unfortunately with the Nox it does suffer from emi which may be all the noises your hearing . Not too much you can do about that except learne by ear what is emi falsing and a proper target , not much emi in the water , get a meter deep :Y:

Nox is great on the beach Stru, firstly do a noise cancel, then find a clear patch of sand to get your sensitivity right, drop it down until the detector is running smooth, a couple of occasional chirps is ok but you don't want numerous false signals.

The way to eliminate beer bottle caps is that they do not usually give stable numbers, the signals jump around a bit, to test switch to 5khz briefly and they will start chirping up into the 30's.

Dig pretty much everything on the beach or you will miss gold jewellery, or at least dig everyuthing until you get a feel for the junk targets, I dig near everything though. Don't discount the dry sand either, that's where I get most of my good finds along the towel line where people sit. The gold ring I get the other day was in dry sand.

I always use a pinpointer on the beach, saves me heaps of time. I only use a plastic hand scoop, for the water line a beach scoop is essential.

I dig some very deep holes, the CTX will get a $2 coin down to 50cm sometimes if conditions are right with the big coil. The Nox though won't punch quite as deep but it no slouch either and will detect deep targets.

Best of luck with it. :Y: