AT Pro Hunts 2016

Prospecting Australia

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Looks like the exact same Mike.


I wonder if you spun the token the image on either side would join together in that pose and the entire phrase can be read ?
Been awhile since I got out for a hunt so when my mate called saying he was back from WA and keen to catch up I jumped at the chance.

Took him to my local with the promise of good finds.....

It was to be my day! :)





My buddy also gave me a specci that he found back in WA...


Did the gold dance and a bit of a woot woot!!!! Even got the missus keen for me to get out again!!!!!

Mike. ;)
Thanks guys,

And thanks for the link GP!

Wishfull, BDM is Births, Deaths & Marriages. I rang them but records need to be older than 50 years to be able to be accessed by the public.

Cheers! :)
WB Silver!

Got out today for a little over an hour and tried a spot in town that I have been thinking about for a while now. Did a random wander just to see how things panned out and was quite happy with the results...

First targets were two old shot gun shells in the same hole. I'm no expert but looks like the shaft of the shell is made from old brass??? Not sure but very green with patina.



All the junk including a unpulled ring pull...


Canopy from a crashed F18 fighter jet...


A few modern coins...


An old Benson & Hedges cigarette tin and an old Tongala condensed milk tube...



Need to buy more time off the better half so I can get out more these days, 3 kids under 5 will do that to you!!! :rolleyes:

Mike. ;)
Wow Mike, old brass shotty shells 8)
this would be them but new (maybe).

good stuff, like me, need more time ! :D
Hey Silver,

I'm not sure that they are brass now looking at other pics. Too flimsy and there seems to be a join where the cap/primer is. Def a shell of some type but I have no idea as to what???

Yep time would be great. Just as it starts to wind down at work Christmas comes along!!!


Got out last night after kids bedtime for a few hours at the old racetrack out of town. Amazing how quickly the soil dries out around here even after record rains.







Was chasing that Florin but was not meant to be. Already had a full house from this site before but was still loads of fun getting into the silvers again!!!

Mike. :) :) :)