Another new guy here,

Prospecting Australia

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Apr 29, 2013
Reaction score
Central Coast NSW
Hi everyone,

I'm from the Northern beaches in Sydney, been lurking and have seen what a friendly bunch
of fossickers you all are and decided to join.

A few weeks back I bought a GPX 5000 and have been putting in the hard yards down at the beaches a few days a week.
Have been familiarising myself with settings and have dug up a lot of the usual junk, about 30 bucks in coins some cheapo
jewellery, ringpulls and bobby pins, bobby pins are very very popular around here it seems.....

I'm very keen to learn more about detecting and gem hunting, seems a very rewarding hobby. Not bad for fitness also
I have found, heh.

I hav'nt found any gold yet though did a drive to sunny corner, found some nails, bullet casins and a donkey shoe.

Anyway hoping to head out to Orange and Ophir next week for a couple of days and try my luck, a few grams would be
a nice intro to the hobby. Either way I love the country and digging lead or gold this is still a great hobby.

Welcome to the forum Heath. You have armed yourself with the right tools for the job with that 5000 and I'm sure that first nugget is lurking just around the corner. ;) Hope you like fishing as a sideline hobby as all the lead comes in handy when your short of sinkers. :) Best of luck and look forward to following your progress..Cheers Wal. :)
Welcome to the forum Heath, you're in the right place to learn more about this often rewarding hobby.

Best of luck at Orange next week, you've certainly got the right tool for the job.

Thanks guys,

Seems this is a relatively new forum though already has some very well explained and detailed info. Which is great,
being in early means I can keep up with it all too, heh.

I've been doing a lot of research and plotting reasonably accessable places to try over the next few months
with google earth and the Australian Mines Atlas website, which has more gold deposit areas than anyone could
search in 10 lifetimes.

I really love fishing too Wal so yeah you're right, will keep all the lead.

Cheers Nugget, good tools always help I reckon.
Gday heatho. You are right this is the friendliest bunch of fossickers you could hope to find.
Look forward to hearing how you go with the 5000 in the coming weeks. There are a few here
that will be able to offer you invaluable advice as you learn all about your new machine.
Welcome Heath, shouldn't be long finding the yellow with those tools. Good hunting
Thanks everyone, keen as, now hopes it's not too cold around Orange next week but.... I think it will be.
Probably good for a serious go without the heat though, can get you sweating with the sun beating down.
Couple of hot coffees and I'll be right to get into it.
im new from southwest sydney; just got my detector last week, and been playing around with it everyday :D . The gold bug pro is what I got, with a bag of digging tools, looking to buy a shovel at bunnings soon.. and getting a pin pointer to go for some coins and save up for petrol to orange - barthurst