Prospecting Australia

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NAPFA needs members so please if your not a member join now this will help NAPFA no end's win this fight. And it will be a fight. :Y:
Oh well we can just find the richest farmland and build houses or frack for gas or maybe do an open cut coal mine as these are still legal activities .

They better bring in a buy back scheme to get these "illegal" highbankers of the streets , making laws on something they will fail to successfully police will just make all the laws seem like a joke and i bet my balls things will get worse .
How Absolutely bloody ridiculous!!
Well you'd be stilly to only get caught with a
highbanker when your going to get into the
same amount of trouble for using let's say a
higher caliber weapon. Not only are they stopping
People from enjoying a harmless hobby but also affecting
People's livelihood more jobs loss!. And some cheap highbankers
for sale. And to think we actually pay people to make these decisions!!.
I note the emphasis throughout out their statement is highly biased towards the Mining Industry. One gets the feeling that they are surely influenced by the Mining Lobby and they ..in their bloody minded and misguided belligerence expose themselves to the whole state as nothing less than Fascist minions of their Mining Masters.
Accountable to no one, ignorant of the 'real impact' of such a simple device in terms of its environmental footprint which is so tiny that by any measure it would have to be negligible, material processed through the device is obtained by hand within the allowable quantities as outlined in Section 12 of the Act.All other requirements under the Act are complied with, all we are asking for is to alleviate us from the arduous task of hand carrying water to the device.
I can tell you..that I swear by the Southern Cross that I will NOT comply with this unjust Law. Send your 'Joe' out to catch me..Take my Equipment,I will not comply. :p
Well if your going to get into as much trouble having a gun as a highbanker and lm sure there will be plenty who won't be willing to give up their highbanker, might as well just carry and keep both now...
I'm not being completely serious, but not sure lm completely not serious with that statement. I'm not even in NSW but the fact governments at all levels keep messing with the general public in stupid ways makes me think that sooner or later bad shit will go down simply because people can only take so much repression. So many people have invested plenty of money in this hobby and like the gun buyback they should be doing a highbanker buyback as well(mind u, how do they work out the value of a homebuilt highbanker).
I really don't get how people have let the governments slowly take so much control. Governments are meant to ensure the defence of our country and to ensure things run smoothly, they were not meant to be overbearing parents who control every little action of every person. Unfortunately there seems to be no way to deal with oppressive governments, we can lobby them, we can protest, we can complain all we want, but governments can do what they want, they don't really have any control mechanism to ensure they act in the public interest.
Sorry about the winge, but governments more and more are making me feel like we are all frogs sitting in a slowly warming Billy over the fire.
We could draft a protest letter on behalf of the group, and send it to the minister in charge by a mod.. So guy's how about posting the way in which that letter should be drafted the more the better we can look at what is written merge ideas then post what do you think.
Well this is f#@ed.. what is this going to do with towns like tuena ? They rely on tourism.. bloody idiots.. they don't seem to hav a problem with dirt bikes m 4wd tearin up forests n chasin wildlife but hav a problem with a little water pump buzzin :mad: fair dinkum if they had a brain they would b dangerous..
Won't b stoppin me.!!!
I'm hearing you blisters , bloody asshole government idiots what a joke !!!
Seriously if we aren't careful it won't be long till it will be illegal to have a barbie with family and friends out in the great outdoors !
Bloody wankers that's what they are !
My view Jemba is, yes of course draft a letter of protest strongly worded to reflect the disgust of the general population who these laws adversely affect. But I also believe that its time for action over this draconian law. A WHOLESALE 'HIGHBANKER' PROTEST. whereby we all meet at a given time and place. They will be aware of it because we know they monitor this site, like the dirty grubs they are. WE ALL TURN UP AND AND START HIGHBANKING.We invite the media. We canvas those politicians who might stand by us. Most importantly we make a stand.We set up a 'Stockade' behind which we stand with our highbankers, not necessarily running but at hand ready to show the media and through them, demonstrate what these contraptions do. demonstrate how little environmental impact is created. Most importantly we defy them.
If we don't and we're content to sit on our arses and write letters of humble and condescending obedience then we stand for nothing and the spirit of our forefathers ceases to flow in our veins.
It seems a couple of threads are happening on this subject .

In post 2 (above) Eric 2017 asked if this matter came out of the blue. Tathradj said 'yep'.

I totally disagree with government edict..... but did it really come out of the blue...the regulation quoted is Mining Regulation 2016.

Given it's August 2017, this regulation is at least 8 months old. Maybe the fact that the government want to enforce it and NAPFA know and are telling its members makes it a new issue.

I hope NAPFA and all prospectors and fossickers in NSW can get this matter turned around. It's a stupid decision.

Governments in all states should be looking at ways to encourage prospecting related tourism....here in QLD (where banking using a pump is also illegal), an area like Clermont would lose a ton of economic activity if fossicking was to cease.

Good luck NSW :Y:
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