A King George "Thupence"

Prospecting Australia

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Tassie Daz

Darryl Rowley
Mar 27, 2013
Reaction score
Kadina, SA
WOW! What a find ! I have just taken possession of my new AT Pro to replace the old Scorpion and so off to the local park I went. Now this park has been around since the start of habitation in our town so I expected that someone surely had dropped a coin at some stage. I purposely decided to hit later in the night so at 8pm I started swinging. By 9pm I had bagged a $2.00 coin and a 1 cent coin. BIG Deal you say, and you would be right except the best, for me, was to come. My next hole had a triple target response [yep, all 3 sounds - a low grunt, a mid tone and a high as well] Would you believe out of the hole came a bottle top, a 1946 Ram head shilling and my pride and joy so far, a 1922 King George "Thupence". I had tried the new AT Pro on "PRO" just to try it out because the first time I used the AT I used it in Standard.

I am stoked because the new machine gives so much information with target ID, and its so easy to use. Back to the park me thinks. There might not be gold in my area but I'll have a bucket of fun if I can keep finding this sort of stuff. Wish me luck! [I tried to take a photo of it but it didn't turn out.]
Heya TD i run the AT pro aswell great little machine
I ventured out on the 1st of Jan to get a 1954 half penny and a 9ct sleeper earring more treasure than junk on that outing I was stoked! Look forward to seeing your finds
Sandta, we cousinsjacks [Cornish] had weird names for the old pre-decimals. 3p = throupence, 6p = zack, 1shilling = dina, 2shillings/Florin = 2bob. I think al that is right. There might be some else on here who can add to this too.
Here's the photo of the fines girls and guys. Someone was so stoned after the peace pipe they left it behind. Having hassles !!!!!!

The finds from a visit to a local park armed with the AT Pro. Notice the Rams head shilling [1946]and a KGV Threepence [1922] What I didn't include was the loss of a peace pipe that someone had left behind. !!!!!!
poor person losing their peace pipe. Nice finds. I found 3 shillings this morning too. I find they are the hardest to clean
TM, I soaked mine in hot soapy water overnight [that really didn't do anything much - except maybe softened the gunk up a bit] then I used Silvo with a toothbrush. But you're right they are hard to clean. Mine was caked in black oxide residue. Included in the photo are the 4 coins from last night. A Roo 1955 penny and 3 1 cent coins. I'm stoked with the performance of the AT Pro. I might even get the 5" coil yet because there really is so much stuff in that park it seems.
Nice finds TD, it gets a bit tricky locating descent areas around here. I have been doing the beaches for the past few days. Wallaroo tides are strange though.
Well done Tassie, some nice finds on the ATPro. I would think that there would be a few good spots to hit around those old copper mining towns, certainly have a decent amount of history behind them. I would be seeking out any old regional cricket ovals, and detecting the surrounds or any spot where people gathered, must be some older 1800's coins out there just waiting to be found. ;)
yeh thanks Goldpick, my sentiments too. There are places up here that where ovals way back that haven't been used for anything other than horse drilling so if they've stayed rather untouched might be the go. And out away from Kadina are places that have been area meetups for the cockies and their families since the farmers first started to turn the earth. Has to be stuff there surely. I've been out with the ATX since I've had that but it finds every steel and aluminum morsel but has no discrim so you are forever digging. But the AT Pro with its discrimination will divide some of that stuff so I expect to be able to revisit those places to see what turns up. Keep you posted.