13 detectorist rushed to hospital

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What a pissa.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: whats a bit cake between friends :playful: :playful: :playful: u made my day :playful:
With all the 'pipe' parts that we have found, Kato has scrap metal pocket money.

The last load netted her just under $20 !
They are just everywhere in parklands.

However I take this UK thing seriously, it would not have taken much for some of the oldies to have died,
many older people are on medications, and drugs cause interactions, particularly when dosage isnt known or controlled.

So sadly the baker of the cake, even if it was not intended for distribution, is going to have to explain her actions
and be prepared for the consequences.

Do it in your own home, your problem.

Do it to the public and still your problem, but potential outcomes make it a Court and Criminal issue.
She is lucky no one died, she would be gone behind bars and her life destroyed, for a small stunt.

Still, I got a smile out of it..... then started to shake my head at the wider issue.

Well I don't think anyone has probably ever died as a result of ingesting THC, though yes it would have been scary for people who have never tried it before. Actually even people who love cannabis would possibly have a bit of a freak out if they weren't expecting it.

A good mate of mines mum had some special cookies in the freezer many years ago, and well her ex husband dropped in one day and decided to help himself to a snack from the freezer, he was in a bit of trouble for a few hours after that, bet he'll never help himself to snacks again. :D

Anyway, sounds like that detecting club will probably have a whole heap of new members begging to join. :playful: :cool:
Thirteen metal detectorists rushed to hospital after chocolate birthday cake handed out at convention is spiked with cannabis oil.

Metal detectorists attending the Coil to the Soil rally in Yorkshire had anticipated a gentle four days scanning 400 acres of land for treasure.

But the event descended into chaos when a birthday cake laced with cannabis oil was unwittingly handed around, causing several attendees, including a 69-year-old church organist, to drop like flies while others burst into song or started dancing.

A fleet of eight ambulances was sent to the scene, as well as a rapid response vehicle, two doctors, two clinical supervisors and a Hazardous Area Response Team, trained to respond to serious public health threats

At last 13 people were rushed to hospital - many so unused to taking drugs they feared they were suffering a heart attack or even dying.

A 48-year-old woman from Co Durham was arrested on suspicion of supplying a class B drug and has been bailed while inquiries continue, South Yorkshire Police said.

The havoc began when Gary Cook, a keen metal detectorist who is well known in such circles, strolled around the site in the village of High Melton near Doncaster at around 5.30pm on Saturday, offering guests a slice of chocolate cake baked by a female friend to celebrate his 50th birthday.
Mr Cook, from Westbury, Wilts, had no idea that the cake was anything other than it looked.

His friend Craig Allison, 50, had just packed away his trade stand and was headed back into the main marquee when he bumped into Mr Cook.

He asked me if Id like a piece of his birthday cake, he told the Telegraph.

He broke a piece off for myself and a colleague, I wished him happy birthday and ate it as I carried on inside.

It tasted like a normal chocolate cake, it was possibly a bit dry but other than that I didn't notice any difference.

But around 20 minutes later, as attendees gathered for the raffle, Mr Allison, who runs Crawfords Metal Detectors in Scunthorpe, started feeling dizzy.

At first I thought nothing of it, he added. But it got worse and worse and after about 30 minutes I started to feel numb and tingly and then I just collapsed.

Mr Allison was the first victim and those around him assumed he was suffering from heat stroke and called an ambulance.

As he drifted in and out of consciousness, he became aware of people talking about the cake and asking if he had eaten any.

He said: I started to come around just as the ambulance was ready to take me to hospital but as a paramedic went to shut the door I heard him say, hang on a minute, theyre dropping like flies in here.

I was then asked to get out of the ambulance because somebody else was in a worse condition and needed priority.

The victims were taken to Rotherham Hospital, where some were kept overnight. Mr Allison was told some reactions were severe because they had never taken drugs and their bodies did not know how to react.

Mr Cook is also understood to have fallen victim to the prank and was taken to hospital.

He told a friend it was terrifying and he thought he was having a heart attack.

Julian Evan-Hart, 57, editor of Treasure Hunting magazine, who was not at the event but has spoken to several attendees, said: Theyre all okay but a bit shallow headed because if youre not used to that kind of thing, well it blew them apart basically.

I think everyone is very much thinking this was a bit of tongue-in-cheek joke where the wheels came off.

It does broadens ones mind - if youre going to mess around like this, youve got to be so careful.

Im certain that this lady didnt intend this to happen, it was going to be a close-circuit cake shared amongst friends but then everyone helped themselves from what I can gather.

Its really quite sad that it snowballed into such a catastrophic event.

Mr Allison said: "We metal detectors have quite an anorak image, which I do not think is true, but I'm worried this will give us a different image altogether.

"Up until this point, it had been a perfect weekend with brilliant weather, it was sad that this had to happen, it was a stupid prank that went wrong."
PJG said:
Hey RM perhaps your lovely wife can beef up her delicious fruit cake next time we have a weekend

Ha Ha Ha it's a nice cake that one :Y: spose some herbs might fit the recipe given its all natural :lol: if that ever goes into it I'll give it a miss I'm silly enough just as I am :) :beer:
LOLOLOLOL, Craig Allison is the Minelab Importer At Crawfords Metal Detectors, He's a Nice Guy and this would have been a shock to him.

Could have been worse, the chocolate cake might have been iced with melted laxette's, that would have got them moving :lol:, It would have been scary for them though because they probably though that they had been poisoned and were going to die :skull:

