Had to dig it.

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Jul 6, 2015
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Hi all we are new to this swinging my wife ,stepson and I have bought the new Garrett ATX with the DD coil easy to use for people like us that know jack about what we are doing ,anyway we were out around Kingower my wife had this massive tone she dug it for about an hour then came and found me so of course I started to dig it at this point we were down about 30cm ground was hard as hell and only had small picks with us my stepson came over and we kept on going down there was a load of quarts, ironstone and clay coming out of it we thought this looks good got to about got to about 50cm by about 600cm by now it was really hard going the ground was solid the pick would only go in about 25cm each hit ,so we decided to give it away for the day and bring the big pick out the next day. Get out there and stated again three and a half hours of digging and it is still ring its nuts off but no sign of whats down there at this point we were tired full of mud and pissed off so once again gave it away for the day.Bright new day so out we go again determined to find what ever was down there it was a bit chilly but the digging warmed us up started digging and the weather turn to crap started raining we decided stuff it we are wet muddy and we kept going by now we are down about 75cm and still going Ryan my stepson was in the hole and we had been going for about two and half hour when he said well we can stop digging "what you have found it" I said with a grin "YEP"he said will a smile we look in the bottom of this creator we had dug and there it was in all its glory a sheet of Aluminum that's why the iron discriminator didn't give of a grunt we all looked at each other wet muddy a bit pissed off but laughing of heads off .The hole we dug was about 800cm deep and about 1.800cm long and 600cm wide. Good fun but a little disappointing but at least we found the bloody thing .
Yes, nice hard ground in Kingower.
A few weeks ago we dug down a similar depth to find an old shackle from a tractor / bulldozer.
Same day another one for a wire sling.
But some days it can be very rewarding as Mrs Redfin found out.

That's serious dedication from Pirate pete and Redfin clans i reckon. :lol: If you're prepared to dig holes that deep i reckon you all need to find gold, not trash, and lots of it :p
Deep holes are just about a daily occurrence.
Mrs Redfin thinks digging is better than going to a gym.
She usually digs very early, whilst I am watching the flames dance.
and gets good results.

Are those holes you're digging redfin for signals being picked up with the new 7000? And if so, what do you reckon your strike rate is for signals coming from gold as opposed to trash?
well at least you have the priority's right Redfin lol but I do agree about the gym look at the surroundings for a start lol
Are those holes you're digging redfin for signals being picked up with the new 7000? And if so, what do you reckon your strike rate is for signals coming from gold as opposed to trash?

No mate, a mixture of 7k and 5k, both the above were from the 5k, Mrs Redfin has very keen ears.
My first time out detecting with the 5k I got a signal around the base of a small tree. Dug down 2 foot to find stainless netting around the bottom, down at the roots. What the.....
Wouldn't have been a problem with the sdc mate. I would have just blindly walked past it without noticing anything :lol: :lol: :lol: When you next come over Chewy we can meetup if you like because i've got a couple of spots i reckon the 5000 might just work well over.
Wouldn't have been a problem with the sdc mate. I would have just blindly walked past it without noticing anything :lol: :lol: :lol: When you next come over Chewy we can meetup if you like because i've got a couple of spots i reckon the 5000 might just work well over.
Yeah Cheers Scrounger, in an ideal world I'd like to try and get back over before the Ballarat meet and still go to that as well, but I think I'm gonna have to wait till September. We'll see how it goes. But sounds great. I reckon I'm gonna lose any sense of normality when I find that first piece, I can't guarantee it'll be suitable for family viewing. Lol :lol:

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