Your tips for negotiating a better outcome

Prospecting Australia

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Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
My partner has no intention of doing any prospecting whatsoever ,so the funding for my not for profit adventures can be tight.
Recently I've come to the conclusion it's time for me to get me a good Pi detector.
Of course the decision was the easy bit, getting the funding from the minister of finance was the bridge I must cross, she's smart ....I'm not, its always tough.
So I waited for that right moment and put the case forward. I was prepared and ready for the barage of Curley questions .......and got nothing more than a wry smile O.K.
I walked away wrapped ,but as the day went on I was kind of kicking myself ,It was too easy ,if I had have tried harder I reckon I could have got more.
So two days later, at what I perceved to be the right moment ,the case for increased funding was out there.
The reaction was closer to what I originally thaught it would be ,I knew it was line ball but kept the straight face .
The answer after some hours of deliberation was in the affirmative .
I won't count the chickens just yet but things are looking good .
I learned a good lesson ,set the bar high when starting negotiations.
The best tips would come from the ladies on the forum ;) so how about it ladies, tips please.
Only advice i can offer is if you're partner knows how passionate you are about your hobby and she can see how it has a positive effect on you she should be supportive. The key is in the delivery like maybe you go out and rent a detector for the weekend and xone home so pumped you dont shut up for two days. Next time its borrowed one from a mate. When the time comes you need to be confident enought to say "you know what hunny i think im going to buy a detector what do you think?" Most likely youll get the how much is that going to cost. Throw out a crazy figure like the gpz is $11k then let her think about that for a week.

Later on wow look what i found a gox 4500 for only $4k what do you reckon?

See what i did there? Now you are both making decisions together :)
Dusty what the hell???

You have just showed the arch enemy our prospectors hand of Aces!

Our Psychology discovery and intricate reverse engineering strategies are ruined for all time and may never work again now :p

Please ban my wife's IP addy before its too late

She's even worked out the interest I need to pay the "house " back at !!
Pressure will be on . :/
If you start negotiating at the price/demands that you want you have left yourself nowhere to go but down. It's bloody hard to go up from your original position. Good luck.

Don't forget to remind her how hard you have worked and how compared to many other things it is a healthy and innocent hobby/sport with the added potential of a profit. Not forgetting the stress relieving relaxation it offers with you getting out and one with nature.
Must have just hit at the right time asked me what would I like for my birthday quick as a flash said a new detector. She asked how much I said with a smile cheaper with the trade in OK was the reply then I told the real price done deal. Purchase on the weekend new GPZ.
All smile now :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
deepblue said:
Must have just hit at the right time asked me what would I like for my birthday quick as a flash said a new detector. She asked how much I said with a smile cheaper with the trade in OK was the reply then I told the real price done deal. Purchase on the weekend new GPZ.
All smile now :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Hi5 !
Anyone here given the gpz a proper field test yet?
Positive results?
I hear they are a great all-round machine but for that kind of money I thought one would be better off buying a gpx5000 or a Garrett atx and save the rest for travel?
Is there anything more to gain with a z?

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