XP How to program X Y Screen onto Fast Program

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Aug 6, 2014
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Can anyone help me
How do you access the XY screen onto the Deus Fast program.
Have tried every thing that I can think of. Could be that I am a bit thick...
I am using the new 4.0 Deus
Go to Option > configuration > profile > graphic, then you can toggle between the horseshoe or XY screens. :)
Thanks Goldpi ck. That did trick, just what I wanted.
Next problem I have, I will look up the User Manual properly.
I used the XY yesterday on the Basic 1 program and found it to work realy well. I switched between Basic 1 and the XY screen and found that it helped to determine what did not need to be dug up.
Cheers mate...
The refinement to the xy screen seems to be a top upgrade, after using the CTX with the target screen I have grown to love this detecting feature. Now to put the hours in on the Deus to learn how to apply it, being able to mount the RC on a wristband on left wrist is a big plus and should make the updated xy screen the go.
I still don't utilise it, had a brief run in the field with it and reverted back to the horseshoe for now. With the new expanded iron range, I found there are some funny things going on with the horseshoe ferrous/non-ferrous indicator. I was clearly getting audio grunts off some iron in the field, yet the screen indicated non-ferrous which was a bit strange. Bump the discrimination up to positive numbers and the horseshoe indication gradually turns into an iron target. I suspect this is a way to identify items like non-ferrous pottery in the negative iron range from regular iron targets - just a thought and pure speculation at this stage.

Clegy sent out the new HF coil yesterday, so will hopefully have it in my hands in the next few days. :)
I`m new to coin and relic detecting, non-ferrous pottery??? I don`t understand, Goldpick could you expand on that. I always reverted to the horseshoe screen as I probably didn`t use the old XY enough to understand it, but the new xy I`m hoping it will be as useful as Target trace on the CTX. Just love being able to separate the RC from the detector stem.
Has more relevance to ancient pottery/ceramics in Europe, most probably where they are made of soils/minerals that give off a signal on a detector - much like you get response from a common brick.

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