whats with all the swearing??

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May 1, 2014
Reaction score
I have been a keen reader and participant of
this forum for some time.
It therefore worries and concerns me that some
members have resorted to foul language and
legal threats of late.
We are a diverse bunch of people with different
social and economic backgrounds who have a
common interest that is provided by this forum
BETTER than any other that I have come accross.
As secret agent Maxwell Smart once said
"Let niceness overcome badness"
Remember that kids also read this forum and its
good for them to see good examples in the adult
Stay nice everybody.
Cheers steve :|
Think I may be guilty of venting my frustration recently :8 and it's good to be reminded about forum etiquette from time to time, I'll keep and eye on my P's & Q's going forward and save the swearing for when I get another black fingernail ;)
I make no apologies for a recent post of mine that was edited by a mod, I never used any swearing in my posts but it seems some think otherwise, as far as I'm concerned thats their problem.
Got 4 superkeen grandsons I bought detectors for , ,and we read,so we appreciate normal, thanks to all the nice guys that keep it simple and intreresting, regards phill [pop] oliver,noah,harry and isaac
Hi Phill, we have to keep an eye on lottsa stuff on the forum so that you and your grandson (probably forum members themselves) can enjoy and learn as much as they can thru the site without being affected by the bickering and swearing that some topics evolve into. We try to keep it as "nice" as possible for all of the members and guests.
We don't like being called crude names as we were today-resulting in an instant ban on the member concerned.
So enjoy the hobby as you should and enjoy your grandsons -I bet they'll love you for it Phill.
Jaros :p :p
I think this is getting way too personal and the advice is way past moderator guidelines. Its not dear abbey.
Im for peace, constructive forum talk, debate, whatever and I hate swearing on a public forum. Unless there has been a mandate set, I think it was fine the way it was.
*chuckles to self*
I can say it's been a bit of a roller coaster ride of late... Can't say it's been boring.
Jaros said:
Just noticed --i have passed 1000 posts ,do not pass go do not collect 200. What a topic to do it on - can't even swear.!@@##$%$%
Got a long way to go yet Jaros
But it will creep up quick ;)
I will openly say guys I'm guilty
Of swearing and Every now and then
Let it slip so if you see it slap me
I have kids and don't believe openly
Swearing in front of them
But we live in Australia and we can't
Bubble wrap them or any of us
But do however fully support this
Sites and other sites rules and
I let loose in one subject but it was done with holes in it.
How else can you get a very serious point across with out swearing. ?
Believe you me, I respect full heartily the art of clean conversation but some times,,,
It is carefully worded.
Big Nugget said:
maybe we need a swear jar? :cool:

Or a deduction -1 for every ....word from your total post count :) see how many of us get to to zero (or -#) first?
As far as i know there wasn't really a problem before Nugget stood down.
And i think it's already started to calm down anyway.

The mods are doing a pretty good job adjusting to the situation.
No point turning a mole hill into a mountain.
And besides i think too many rules will just kill the spirit of this great resource.
LC76 said:
As far as i know there wasn't really a problem before Nugget stood down.
And i think it's already started to calm down anyway.

The mods are doing a pretty good job adjusting to the situation.
No point turning a mole hill into a mountain.
And besides i think too many rules will just kill the spirit of this great resource.

Maybe now that Nugget has stood down some questions should be directed to the "New Admin" to get his view as to what he sees fit for the future direction of his forum. Mods can only do so much, and in the end it's up to the Admin to decide which part of the grey line is deemed permissible for freedom of speech.
