what is the strangest unexplained event you have experienced

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All I can say is that I have had quite a few experiences in my time here on this earth with ghosts and entities. I have spent time in various haunted homes. I have had ghosts follow me to work and have also lived in a place that was haunted in Tahmoor in the early 1970's . It was named the broke house by the local bank johnnies that also lived there as they were usually broke before their next payday came. So tell me there are no ghosts. I can show you the picture I caught if you like. It was taken on a digital camera. Here a just two of the pictures.

The first is the ghost I caught in the ward.

The second is one taken by me at night of the same ward . I was with the sites security guard at the time. I have been told by a nurse that they are Women fingers. They are coming out of the window of the door.

Wishfull said:
My sighting 1975 Urania S.A. 1975

I will make a slight edit to that report. Instead of me aiming 20 feet over the object it should have read 2 meters over.
I still to this day stand by what we saw. There was no mistaken identity. The people involved are still adamant as well.

I don't care if someone doesn't believe what we saw.
You had to be there.

Should have taken the shot
Occasional_panner said:
Wishfull said:
My sighting 1975 Urania S.A. 1975

I will make a slight edit to that report. Instead of me aiming 20 feet over the object it should have read 2 meters over.
I still to this day stand by what we saw. There was no mistaken identity. The people involved are still adamant as well.

I don't care if someone doesn't believe what we saw.
You had to be there.

Should have taken the shot
Don't know. I might have got vaporised.
When I was a kid the family (mum, sister and grandparents) and myself went to a beach for the day, after walking around looking about and what have you we decided to have lunch, everyone wanted to sit under this great big gumtree, I had this really bad feeling about it and started saying we shouldnt sit here etc, by this time the grandparents had laid out the picnic blanket, I ended up kicking up a fair fuss about it and got my own way and we moved to where I wanted to sit
About 5 mins after moving the blanket and starting to eat that huge gum tree droppped a large branch that brought down some powerlines onto some parked cars and exactly where they all wanted to sit, everyone just looked at me with shock
Still cant explain that was just a really bad feeling about that spot and knew I or the family wasnt going to sit there
I joined the navy in 1968 and was training at HMAS Leeuwin near Fremantle WA.
One night someone (who shall remain anonymous) did something he shouldn't have. The powers that be ordered a large group of us outside to stand at attention until the perpetrator confessed to his "crime". We stood there for quite sometime until it was noticed that 2 small "stars" were chasing each other about the sky at extreme speed and making impossible 90 degree turns without slowing. The whole group was watching the display until the aforementioned powers that be spotted what we were seeing. Next thing we were told to get back indoors and keep away from all door and windows and threatened us with punishment if we were caught disobeying.
Only things around here atm that go bump at night are possums in the roof and my backside.
Would be good to have some UFOs and ghosts show up though.
I've a fairly cleared area here - enough for your average sized UFO or itinerant ghouls, so if they want to drop in we could have a few ales and talk the universe.
PM me if you want landing coordinates. Beers waiting.
I've always wanted to see a UFO, years out bush in the army, years as a fishing guide in remote areas for 6 and 8 days at a time, plenty of my own time camping,fishing (for jewies at night) and prospecting in the dry season up here (cloudless nights) and havnt seen one yet! Have seen a comet,mentors,shooting stars,satellites, and RAAF fighters, but no aliens or ghosts yet.....sigh.... :N:
While I don't for a minute think that in all this expanse we are the only life form to exist, I'm not sure we have been visited.

Astronomers have thier heads in the air more nights than most yet are the least likely to report UFO sightings. When they do spot one 99% of them can be explained away pretty quickly.

Crop circles etc... I'm pretty confident that if some alien life form has invented the technology to travel at or faster than the speed of light, they wouldn't waste that flying down here to chuck donuts in some pommy farmers corn field.
I posted this somewhere else on here, here it is again.

I was camped along the buckland on one of the many flats there on a nice still summer night but there was plenty of moonlight so you could still see really well.
I was sitting by the fire in my chair having a beer and this old timer fella came past with this old antique wheel barrow with a wooden wheel. He went straight past my camp without looking at me, then he went straight through the trunk of this big tree and carried on his way.
Like I said I'm not a believer but I just can't explain that. neutral