War memorial coin hunting

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Jul 11, 2014
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Weird question but.......... Is it wrong to hunt for coins etc around old war memorials. I think its kinda wrong, my son thinks its fair game. Any thoughts? Thanks
Seen someone into to that the other day, at least it wasn't the 11th of the11th, or 9-11
When I first started detecting I found a $2 coin in a near a war memorial. Didn't feel right disturbing the lawn. Never done it since even tho there are a lot of memorials in my area.
That's right leave it to a professional to clean it up properly for the old fellas, underground and all.(he said laughingly).
I actually just wrote a very insulting tirade about this and thought better of it.

My advice, go to the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne (A War Memorial), and exercise the 'its fair game' apparent rights and see how far you get.
I think about it like this, Firstly ask permission for any area that common sense will tell you that you should, examples are schools, churches, demolition sites, and private property. The worst that can be said is no. This site would be in that category. Firstly is respectful, and Secondly it gives detectorists a good positive image. This site with an aulteristic purpose is better.

The other point I would make is there are so many great opportunities to hunt out there that I would have thought without resorting to such areas. I would hate to see this go badly for all concerned, and it concerns me what sort of message it sends to others.
If I get a chance later I will head on down to where I saw the old fella having a dig around a memorial(detector and all), he would have been 60-70 years old, so maybe I will take the camera with me and we can see how the ground fared after him. I'll be fair and look to see if he left rubbish(his or other) lying anywhere at all. I shall be the investigator for this particular memorial in question and report back.
GT - good points.

There seems to be some confusion at times about 'public land' - invariably Shire or Council land. War Memorials are usually covered by Shires and Councils, unless of course it is covered under trust or held in perpetuity by a Shire or Council on behalf of donated land- then it could be private land, held in trust for the public. Shire and Council land, including public parks and the such, are all covered under various by-laws of each state/territory Local Government Acts. There are by-laws that usually PROHIBIT digging, removal of soils/rocks etc (including for example the removal of worms believe it or not, sea-weed as well). There are also 'defacing' laws for any PROPERTY, which includes land, 'annoyance' laws, which is a matter of perception - e.g. a Shire/Council worker finds an act 'annoying' under a by-law (true!!).

All these acts on Shire/Council land are unlawful without permission - and that includes digging. Some people get permission, some are pushing their luck. I often quote the interstate idiot who detected and dug up parts of the footy oval at Maryborough Vic and was fined and used 'but I have a Miners right' as a defence. Survey says - bumbow.

Permission has been granted to detect around several memorials in the past. A couple of times to find 'lost' medals after ANZAC Day (at the request of local RSLs), to assist in archeological digs and the like.

'Public Land' has an awful sound - some people think its a free for all. Most Shires/Councils are pretty flexible but there will come a tipping point, as has happened already, where they will crack-down when the invisible line is crossed.
Righteo,.....I'm back, war memorial has at least a hundred holes in its grounds, the old boy seemed to do alright if the holes were in dirt areas with no grass cover(he got all the dirt back in), but if he was working in the grass areas about 80% of all the digs(and most of his digs were in grassy areas) had dirt still in the surrounding grass and it seems to me he cut it all out without having a plug to put back in (100% of the digs) with some dig holes hidden by a few leaves but not filled properly. So if I see this bloke digging again anywhere at all I will see if I can get an action video for on this post(maybe).
here are the pictures.
on the way in

in front of the memorial

the following are a few of the holes






could have filled this one better





here is the rubbish that was still in the park including two junk metal ones that he accidentally discarded, wouldn't have seemed as bad if he had of done an emu parade as he dug the park(doesn't take much) because he certainly dug everywhere.

here is the sunbaker 5c that he missed in his haste to plow the land.

and here is the rubbish from the memorial park bagged up for the bin(5c went into my pocket)

I suppose he didn't do too bad for an old boy, I just would have liked to see the rubbish gone and the dirt good in all the holes with actual plugs cut and done when the grass was green so that it had a real chance of recovery.
Loamer, I agree and understand where you are comming from. I guess i am talking more about old war memorials in small country towns that ppl dont seem to care much about. Also I shoukd have mentioned that we were talking more about the surrounds of the memorial, not the immediate vesinity. I would/did argue that seemingly abondoned memorials still deserve the same respect. My son rightly counter argued that there is little differance between that and looking around an abandoned church. Along the same line of thinking I dare say that many ppl would give little creed to the unmarked indigenous sites that they may encounter or land they may be on. (I am in no-way saying this rings true of all prospectors).
I agree with the comments posted, I was just after a few points of view to show my son. It should be noted my son is not disrespectful and his grandfather is a vetran and didnt see a problem. Have a great day all, thanks for your opinions.