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Eldorado said:
"It's better to fart and stink a little than bust your bum and be a cripple".Or "A good blurt don't hurt" Two favourite sayings my great grandmother used to say.

:lol: my mother in laws saying is "Even the Queen does it" :lol: all too true.
My great grandmother would be 140 odd if she were still alive,I have never forgotten those sayings and I can still see her saying them.Yes RM,we all do it.I wonder if anyone has ever heard the Queen let one rip. :lol: :lol:
Eldorado said:
My great grandmother would be 140 odd if she were still alive,I have never forgotten those sayings and I can still see her saying them.Yes RM,we all do it.I wonder if anyone has ever heard the Queen let one rip. :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: how good would it be to sit around a fire having a few coldies and get the dirty laundry from Harry or Will :D. I reckon they'd have a few funny tales to tell about grandma.
I recall a mate and myself being in a fairly packed elevator in Sydney years ago, when my mate who was known to be a champion farter let a silent but deadly one rip. As quick as a flash he turned to a very well dressed woman next to him and said loud enough for all to hear: "just keep a straight face lady and everybody will think I did it"

Everybody bailed out at the next floor with the woman protesting that it wasn't her and she would never do such a thing.

Eldorado said:
My great grandmother would be 140 odd if she were still alive,I have never forgotten those sayings and I can still see her saying them.Yes RM,we all do it.I wonder if anyone has ever heard the Queen let one rip. :lol: :lol:
Probably too much "mufflage" !!
Some come here to fart and stink,
Some come here to S^$& and stink.

Old toilet wall grafiti !

Some come here to sit and think,
Some come here to S$%^ and stink.

Damm takes me back :lol:
He who writes on sh!thouse walls,
Should be hung up by the balls,
He who reads such awful wit,
Should be hung up by the dick.


Written in very small font on the door at ground level.

You are now sh!thing at 45 degrees.