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Jul 19, 2013
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G'Day Twapster and other Trout Fisho's.
For those that managed to cast flies, lures etc over the long weekend;How was the fishing?
The better half and self had 4 days flyfishing on various friends properties on the New England, very disappointing at best, never sighted any fish moving even though the weather and conditions were favourable.The water levels in the three streams we fished were well below normal and the weed growth was more like we are accustomed to seeing mid to late season in that part of the world, one fat rainbow of about 700 grams that fell for a large black nymph was the sad total for the weekend between four anglers.Looking on a positive note I guess the fishing can only improve from here, some good rain falls would help too.
Towards the end of November the prospects for some fantastic flyfishing are looking good for Lake Eucumbene, as long as the Snowy Hydro don't pull the plug and drop the water level.
I will be down there for three weeks leading up to Christmas, waving the long wand and maybe a little detecting, should be great.
Cheers, SinHof.
PS: oops, maybe this post should have been in the fishing section, Nugget will shift it there if need be, thanks mate.
Salted trout then smoked in Apple wood in the Weber or the smoke house does the trick. :/
gut and scale the fish cut through the flesh to the bones a couple or few times on each side then stuff the cavityand cover both sides of the fish with with lemongrass, kifir lime leaves garlic and onion add salt to taste place on foil , smother with sweet chilli sauce place slices of lime both sides wrap up the foil around the fish put in the oven for 20- 30 mins @180c ( or put in hot coals and cover with coals)
serve with chips, rice or mashed potato

if you like spicy food add a few birdseye chilli to each side,

for camping you can use dried herbs , either dry and blend yourself before going or use a premix that you like , use dry chilli and some sugar with a small amount of water instead of sweet chilli sauce
Hi Matturbo,
Like Uncle Bob we smoke most of our larger trout, our other favourite is what we call Trout Muzzelwood;see below.
Fillet,bone out and remove the skin from the fillet.
Lightly dust the fillets with white pepper and a reasonable amount of fresh lemon juice and allow to stand at room temp for about an hour or so.
Add a couple of tablespoons of real butter to a hot pan and place the fillets in along with some freshly grated ginger and about about 50 to 100ml of quality dry white wine.
Gently turn the fillets over and finish the second side, don't over cook the fillets as they will dry out too much.
Remove the cooked fillets to a warm place; Depending on how much the wine has reduced you may need to add a little more to de-glaze the pan, having done that add a suitable amount of fresh cream and gently combine all of the pan ingredients to form a creamy tangy sauce. Place your fillets on a bed of Basmati rice and pour the sauce over; you wont be disappointed.
Enjoy, SinHof.
Boys sashmied a rainbow straight outta the lake a couple of weeks ago - yummy. Most smoke em down here
Saw a couple of monster trout in the Turon today - they really gave me a fright! If I was not mistaken also saw a couple of almost monster Carp going upstream as well.

Did see a couple of people trying their luck with a line - not sure how they went.
Grounded said:
Saw a couple of monster trout in the Turon today - they really gave me a fright! If I was not mistaken also saw a couple of almost monster Carp going upstream as well.

Did see a couple of people trying their luck with a line - not sure how they went.

Have pulled some nice trout from upper Turon when the water levels are ok, unfortunately in the last 10 years its been hit and miss around those areas due to low levels. I was also told by the managers of Turon Gates they were fighting mine issues and chemicals leaching into the river...not sure what the problem was but they said it was affecting them.

Lower on the Turon down from Coles Bridge there is a deep pool which is holding a monster of some description. My Uncle spotted it and said it was a cod, not a carp however I cant trust his eye sight these days even if he is a seasoned fisherman!

I need to head up to Thredbo diggings again....other than the occasional black snake its my fave spot apart from the Rubicon in Vic. I prefer to wade up river these days its much cooler to fish that way as it gets hotter. Had to tow the wife on an inflatable while i'm casting up stream, its awesome to be able to stand not a metre behind a nice size fish that hasn't seen you!
Yes - down the corner from Coles..........big enough to be a descendant of the Fukushima cooling pond!

I had pictures of Alien or something similar coming at me......thinking "so this is how it ends?" Nope - just a big fish. One massive big fright standing in the water though.

Flow is still decent after the rains. Didn't find much gold though - still looking for that good spot on the Turon that might put a few flakes in the pan. But it is a relaxing and beautiful spot away from the crowd - and really that is what is all about for me. Beautiful part of the world.
Grounded said:
Yes - down the corner from Coles..........big enough to be a descendant of the Fukushima cooling pond!

I had pictures of Alien or something similar coming at me......thinking "so this is how it ends?" Nope - just a big fish. One massive big fright standing in the water though.

Flow is still decent after the rains. Didn't find much gold though - still looking for that good spot on the Turon that might put a few flakes in the pan. But it is a relaxing and beautiful spot away from the crowd - and really that is what is all about for me. Beautiful part of the world.

Ok so he wasn't seeing things, we were too busy High-banking while he popped his line in the pool and says the fish was so fat it wasn't interested in following his lure just came out of the depths to have a sticky beak.

The gold is there, about a km up stream and about 4 foot down in about a 1 foot band some good gold and little nuggets to be had for those that are persistent. Often looks like you cant drive up that way but you can if you have a 4wd and are not shy of driving wheel deep!!
Trout fishing,

As soon as it warms up a bit more, the wife and I head to thredbo diggings fishing for a couple of days.

It's a fantastic spot. I'd be more then happy to make a weekend of it with anyone else who doesn't mind a fish, from the forum.
A lot of fly fishing blokes get up there.

The camp grounds on the river are fantastic. Toilets, no showers. Fire pits supplied, we take our own wood. Rangers come and go so you don't get yobbos. We see a few family's with kids.
Mountain bike and hiking track goes all the way into thredbo.

Plenty of wild life including deer.

Very easy to find and never heaps of people. Most we have seen there is maybe 10-15.




Great section of the river around the old diggings, and quite a few of the spawning rainbows stay up there till close to X'mas. Enjoy the camping and hope there's trout in the frying pan for breakfast. ;)

Cheers Wal.