Today I MADE

Prospecting Australia

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I got stalled on the trailer work today. I'm still waiting for my welding gas so I started on the next item on the list.

Mrs M has been on to me to get some hanging space in the laundry. I made the mistake of making a nice wooden rail with railway pegs for the wall in Capel. It seems I've set a precedent for this house.


I don't have a shed full of wood so I took a trip to the greens waste section of the local dump and picked up a couple of very old wooden rails.


I planed two sides flat, one to face the wall and the other will have some old rusty (treated) pegs inserted.


I left them lying on the deck waiting for somebody to soak them in varnish. I'm not sure how long that will take ;)


Then I dropped the hint that somebody needs to jump on the quad and take a run up the old railway line to get the pegs. I'm not too sure my hint was taken seriously but I'm sure next time she goes to hang the laundry basket or a knapsack it's jog a distant memory :)
Finished off my swing arm, 20mm electrical orange conduit, split 150mm up one end and used heat gun to make into a Y. fitted 3/4" water hose for hand grip, drilled holes and secuered with a cable tie. bought a boat canopy fitting from BCF and some bungy cord. Super glued the bungy into the plastic fitting and the conduit for some flexability, trippled it for a tight fit. plastic bolt and it works great.


Working on the rear cages for the exhaust turbines.



At work, we had a couple of split and failed shield bosses, so I cut the flanges off them, polished them up and thought they might look better as the centre hubs on the intake fans. The existing hubs are turned from a 90mm post, so they look a bit small. Also, the plywood fan blades are starting to peel and look ratty, so I'm going to replace them with aluminium.



Finally, I am under enormous pressure from my family to build this extension, right where the Viper stands now. I have to modify my garden shed to temporarily accept the modules, stacked in until required. Later, the whole building will come down to be replaced with a hangar. On Sunday, I cut the front wall off, framed it and turned it into a door, wide enough to get the palletised cockpit in. (Cockpit being the largest, widest module.)


I got tired of the clutter, I've been climbing the walls looking for things that should be there but they are lost :argh:


I'm too busy to tidy up but Mrs M put the pressure on for more shelves so I spent the morning bolting them together.


It seemed like a simple job until I tried to stand the up and they hit the roof. I had to cut the legs off to get them to fit in :8
Nice work there Baz and a great introduction to your video. It's an interesting project, "Do you have a long term plan for the finished craft?"