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Now you do realise with this project of yours it is a major undertaking?

You will forever be doing upgrades to it, and then you have to feed that hopper and hope it doesn't have any grizzlies and you wind up loosing too much material out of either the front or the back end. :p


Takes a while to bake, and you have to get it just right for them to turn out like that,.. otherwise you end up with footy players.
Very well done GD. Am waiting for my first grandchild as we speak [anyday now]
Congratulations G0ldigg@ - that 9 months is just the start of a much longer project; mine is 13 years and 10months in and still needs a bit of work occasionally :p
hahaha you guys crack me up. thanks for the well wishes and yes i'm fully aware this is long term project i'm thoroughly looking forward to it :)
Congratulations to yourself and your partner GD , beautiful girl and a lovely name.

Well done GD and a big congrats to you and Mrs GD. She is beautiful and definitely worth more than all the gold in the world.

Welcome to sleepless nights and trolley loads of nappies and formula from Coles mate!

Great news, and great name!

All my best wishes for the future of the GD clan.

Kind Regards

Congrats Mr & Mrs GD, and a big g'day to wee 'gd' from Mr & Mrs dwt............ Geez, that sounded stupid!
Anyways all the best, I would send some kiddy clothes and toys over for your new little girl, but I don't have any so I cant!! :|
Beautiful name mate.

Yep, plenty of hard but rewarding work ahead. My daughter is 7 going on 17...if you need any advice let me know, although nothing I have tried has worked yet.

Well done and Congrats again!
Congrats GOlddigg@, She is a cutie. No time for GOlddiggin now, to many nappies with nuggets in them. :D Leilani, thats the name of a mates street in Budgewoi Central Coast NSW. All the streets around there are hawaiian names. Hope mum and bub are well.

To Mr and Mrs Golddigg,
Congratulations on your new arrival.
My she be blessed with good health and happiness.
Also looks like you are going to be rather busy with that one. LOL

Hey there GOlddig@,
I see a new miner in a miners house,
She's beautiful and obviously takes after her mum;)
Great news and all the very best mate.
Cheers Steve :D