Today I DIDNT fix....

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Jan 25, 2015
Reaction score
Ocean Grove, VIC
Today I didnt fix this tv ..... Even the manufacturer wouldnt cover this under warranty...


Seen the medical instruments like that..

For that matter; so many of the ThermoMix machines look like that...

It is not the roaches, it is their poo that eats tracks etc

Only when you get a fat juicy roach and high voltage to you get conductivity...

PS. Some interesting boards under the bench.
Back in the late 1990's I got a call on a computer making a spitting hissing noise when turned on.
Computer was only 2 months old.
Turns out it had a small Red Belly black snake in the Power Supply.
Customer could not understand why it was not a warranty job. :lol:
I have used an image of the net as a close example.
AngerManagement said:
Seen the medical instruments like that..

For that matter; so many of the ThermoMix machines look like that...

It is not the roaches, it is their poo that eats tracks etc

Only when you get a fat juicy roach and high voltage to you get conductivity...

PS. Some interesting boards under the bench.

This tv is the worst I have seen for quite a while. Dont normally see them like this down in Vic. Was a different story when I was living in QLD where its a bit warmer.

We do mainly warranty repairs for about 40 brands so we see all sorts of stuff. Commercial microwaves are usually the smelliest.

I have also had microwaves brought in for repair with the last meal still in it lol.

PS Those boards under the bench are just a fraction of the old boards we keep just in case we need a part that isnt available any more.
Another Couple,
Got a call on a brand new High End photo Copier in a Lawyers Office.
Customer complained about a "Big Blotch" on printer images. :)
Went around to investigate and the blotch was a perfect image of a flattened mouse. :eek:
Bloody thing had crawled into the machine and when the drums turned to produce the image, flattened it down to about a mil thick.
Ever seen a lawyer try and get out of the statement "Rodent Infestation." :lol:
He didn't.
Had a request to travel a long way away for a another very expensive High Speed Color Photo Copier.
Customer was complaining that the brand new machine which was 1 month old was not up to standards. :|
This machine was so big it had rails attached on the floor to support it and separate for servicing.
After traveling about 800 Klm's I arrived to be greeted with the machine installed on the back veranda of the office. :eek:
There had been a couple of dust storms days before and when the customer went to use it, well, Let's say the result
was not conclusive to acceptable standards. :lol: :lol:
She was stuffed and customers could not work out why. :D
Wrote a check out for $80,000.00 on the spot for another one. 8)