Tin from black sands

Prospecting Australia

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Sep 28, 2014
Reaction score
Eldorado , VIC
So I've recently taken the plunge and will be prospecting full time for a while, panning and high banking.

Now after a week I have about 20-30 kilo of black sands and I'm on the eldorado region which is vast with Tin.

One of the locals said about 80 percent of my blacks will be Tin and Tin is around 20 bucks a kilo.

Has anyone ever tried extracting clean tin and selling it? As 80 percent of 30 kilo is like 24 kilo and that's around 400 bucks at that price.

I don't care about how much time it takes to extract as come winter I'll need something to keep me busy and don't mind saving it up till then

Any info would be appreciated.
I have no ide :) a mate but ill be watching this post, sounds very interesting

Maybe it just needs to be melted at the right temp???
Yea one of the old timers here use to work it down by hand some how, not sure how though haha. Mines got gems and crap with it.

But I was thinking the melting idea and just eating the right temp.

Hopefully it is burning, I can then keep my shed warm for winter and have a good excuse to use the firewood out there haha
Here's one result from my Google request "how to process tin ore" You'll probably find the info you want by Googling the right question.
.. http://www.madehow.com/Volume-4/Tin.html

I too am interested in prospecting for alternatives to gold.
At a prospectors club meeting in the NT a guest speaker from NT Mines Dept spoke and said that he's personally made more from minerals other than gold.
I think a geology course would be useful. How much money are we walking over and not seeing while swinging our detectors for gold?
I also get loads of Tin, its a bugger to pan out ya gold!. Can be seen in my vids.

Magnetite, small Garnets and other stuff mixed in with the Tin, and can be separated on a miller table just nice.

The 2 Mills up here will only take your Tin when you have a ton (i.e. 44gal drum full) $12-15000.00 after purity Acid tests, fees, transport and Mill stuff?

We have not sold any as still a way off the ton. Got about 50-60kg of it here, and any Mills that may take it are days away from here/me.

But well worth keeping the stuff!! 1 ton of Tin would cover our mining fuel costs for the year! (we only small mob)

Ask some of your local Millers or what ever they are called? I think there is a minimum for most but not sure?

Hope it helps?

Ill ask an old timer next I see him as he is still out there Tin scratching, to see who and or how he sells it! Prob see him next week?
