Thermomix conspiracy

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Jul 20, 2013
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Rant begins.

I am getting nagged by daughters and granddaughters to buy these Thermomix thingies as loving father/grandfather gifts. Something along the lines of "Just sell some gold Dad/Pop". I have googled this thing to see what all the hype is about. You can cook cakes and roasts and stacks of other things - so could my Nan on her old Kookaburra Stove. This thing is a friggin flash stove -which last time I looked, they all have one, plus a microwave, blender, pots and pans etc etc !!!!!! Give me a break - no was the answer. I sent them all an email with "Take pan - wack in roast plus veg - place in oven - turn oven on. Hey presto - a roast". This is another chick conspiracy - along with Tupperware, Avon, etc. Needless to say, I am now bad Dad/Pop.

Rant Ends
loamer said:
Rant begins.

I am getting nagged by daughters and granddaughters to buy these Thermomix thingies as loving father/grandfather gifts. Something along the lines of "Just sell some gold Dad/Pop". I have googled this thing to see what all the hype is about. You can cook cakes and roasts and stacks of other things - so could my Nan on her old Kookaburra Stove. This thing is a friggin flash stove -which last time I looked, they all have one, plus a microwave, blender, pots and pans etc etc !!!!!! Give me a break - no was the answer. I sent them all an email with "Take pan - wack in roast plus veg - place in oven - turn oven on. Hey presto - a roast". This is another chick conspiracy - along with Tupperware, Avon, etc. Needless to say, I am now bad Dad/Pop.

Rant Ends

ahh, the wonders of modern technology.

good answer Loamer ;)

However, it could be used as bargaining power in a reverse trade :cool:
The new age camp fire, Digital, enhanced, (Where is the extension lead.?)

The age old proven method,

apparently they had a witches coven, or I should say 'girls only', demo for this thing. Bloody hell!!! While me and the boys were cracking into a mongrel quartz reef on the long weekend, this nonsense was going on. Mind you, one of my beloveds got me the worlds biggest metal rake from Masters last week. Its called a Stanley Aluminum landscapers rake, about $70. Ball-tearer. However, a $70 rake does not equal Dad/Pop coughing up a couple $K.
Time for them to throw in a Z. Stick to your guns mate. Once they smell blood......
For the price of a small family sedan I bought one for the Mrs, and she has the hide to criticise my SDC purchase as frivolous.

I must say she has found it very handy and surprisingly the SDC is a good balance for it. The thermomix puts the weight on and I walk for miles with SDC loosing weight.

Neither of them are making or saving money, so they both go into the hobby category in my household.
Sorry to say but the Thermomix is awesome and you fellas don't know what you're missing, I bought 1 a couple of years back and they are fantastic. Certainly no gimmick. It's the GPX of kitchen appliances.
I have recently made the purchase and am awaiting delivery.
They are a fantastic machine, and like the ZED, will pay for itself in no time.
2nd that heatho' the wife and I bought one 8 months back and I'll tell you now it's made a lot of space in the cupboards and we donated a Shite load to the local opshop.

Iv got the new model so it's more like the GPZ as it has a touch screen with pre programmed recipe's and in the future can be programmed with more settings etc...

you guys don't know what your missing....mmmm fruity dream!!!
Looks like we we will have set up Thermomix recipe section on here, didn't think they had really caught on yet, seems half the forum has 1. That's great. :) My specialty recipe is Mussels in wine and cream, and a similar dish with Tassie Scallops.
I did some work with them and mostly on the TM5...

They are having more than a few issues at the moment, but give them a few months or more and they should be OK.

I think HN is now releasing something similar for about 1/3 the price and not via a party plan...

You can cook without one; so not critical as to repair and TAT.

Nothing more I can publicly say.
DrDuck said:
Show 'em this ... hopefully they will be too embarrassed to want a thermomix anymore.

Mate that was fn funny, LMAO big time.

Whats wrong with people, I was a chef a while back, so cooking is kinda easy for me, but i know other chefs that have got one, and they love these stupid things.

What ever floats your boat, Id rather spend 2 grand fuel and food and fresh air, or maybe a trip to Thailand or Fiji. :)
Ryan1981 said:
DrDuck said:
Show 'em this ... hopefully they will be too embarrassed to want a thermomix anymore.

Mate that was fn funny, LMAO big time.

Whats wrong with people, I was a chef a while back, so cooking is kinda easy for me, but i know other chefs that have got one, and they love these stupid things.

What ever floats your boat, Id rather spend 2 grand fuel and food and fresh air, or maybe a trip to Thailand or Fiji. :)

No more stupid than a stick with a round thing on the end of it that finds metal in there ground........... :)
You got me at wine, cream and scallops. I might have to buy another one to go in the camper now. :lol: :D :lol:
I can see both sides of this debate. Have rattled the pots and pans professionally for a while many years ago, and we had none of the fancy stuff like combi ovens back then.

If I was going to spend a whole lot of money on a kitchen gadget, it would be a sous vide setup. That's technology for very slow cooking in bags. I've been doing a lot of slow cooking lately, and having tasted some sous vide pork belly that was finished in a deep fryer (which I do have), I was sold on the concept.
Haha, very good article.

My wife was almost sold on the original Thermomix, until she saw the $2k price tag. She did however purchase a "cheaper equivalent", called a "ThermoChef" - basically the same thing but without the integrated scales, which are a little glass plate next to the main jug. it's also only around $400

It did get a bit a flogging when new, but like "Mr. Juicy", it pretty much just sits on the kitchen bench and makes a nice ornament next to the stainless steel kitchen compost bin.

To be fair my wife does make a nice guacamole with it, which is all it seems to get used for, but on the other hand could also be made with any garden variety food processor you could get for <$100.

I wonder if I could get her to sell it and use the proceeds towards a new coil for my beep box? :rolleyes:

