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Aug 29, 2013
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When your trying to avoid work :)
love this place - from what I can tell from the work gear lying around it was last used in the 80's, looks like they literally just walked away and left it. First time i was there all the copper wiring and everything was still intact. Someones come and knocked all that since, but you could have quite easily walked in, do a days work and crank it up!

This is number 2 on my to do list :)




Fantastic images, its a shame about the looters though. Is this what's out back of your place?
Deal Joe!
Yeah is Swifty! and tell you what wouldn't be hard at all. Theres still deisel there. Biiiiiiiiiiig deep shaft (I know I threw rocks down there! :p )
The cable is still set up and the cool swingy chair thing so I'll let YOU go down and i'll drive
Righty-o then, soon as Joe checks it out and says it has the yella, we crank it up! :p
Just so you know Misscadilac, HTY is a forum member Hunting the Yellow, he loves going into old mines and such, he will be very excited to see this area.

Cheers, Tone
FIELD TRIP! haha. I'll make note of the site number when i'm there next I'll be able to tell you what the name of it is etc.
awesome , i think all of us would love to be there

if you do go down the shaft MissC , make sure you have a spotter at the top , and rent a portable gas detector to make sure there is air down there

i think about $ 50 per day or less

shafts can sometimes have funny toxic gases down them , usually worse around coal mining areas , i dont know what area yours is so just giving you the headsup

good luck with it
misscadillac1964 said:
haha no fear HeadsUp! I'll gladly watch from the surface if anyone's ever game enough to try!

there are simple ways to make it safe

even if you had to borrow a blower fan from somewhere to blow fresh air down the shaft ( or make one )

if it was last used in 1980 the gold price was about 1 / 7th what it is now and they may not have had metal detectors

you never know your luck
I'll go, I have all the kit needed at work for it, tripod, harnesses, ropes, gas detectors, helmets etc, and I have the training.
When and where?
What a great place, be careful around there Miss C, could be some unstable ground in places. I would not go down that shaft for a pile of gold as tall me. :)