The Good The Bad & The Ugly!

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Jan 17, 2013
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A happy trip to Hill End!
Dodgy wiring in the camper trailer we bought 6 weeks ago.. Not happy! :)
Second hand Kangaroo Camper, no we were about 20m away in the river.. So lost everything from chairs, clothes food bedding etc and even the beer! :(
Still the good was a pretty good show on the gold.

Did you do you digging there at the creek?

Not the beer ahh.
Whoa man, not good at all,
Almost happened to me just a few weeks back.
My boys decided to light a fire and couldn't get it going, so while dad had his back turned, the eldest boy decided that the oil was a sure way to get it started.
Well the oil was 5 litres of fuel and pouring it straight onto a naked flame wasn't a good idea, I am thanking my lucky stars that none of the boys was disfigured in any way.
When the flame took hold Zach threw the fuel can and he ran outa there.
We lost the Table and benches, a few dvd's and dvd player, but thank goodness no one was hurt.
It so easy to get yourself into trouble.
Take care guys, at least no-one was hurt and injured in the incident.
Thanks Brad,

We were about 20m away in the river and looked up to see the whole thing well alight.
It was beyond the point of saving anything, there were tinned cans of food, aerosol cans butane cartridges exploding and a full 9kg gas bottle, which was on at a half turn connected to a cooker that was off. Lucky the bottle would have exploded.. It was like a massive blow torch until it ran out.. Scary stuff.. It was not the cause of the fire and was the last thing to go off...
We had bought the trailer with a battery set in the tool box on the front drawer bar. It ran 2 12 volt plugs and a led strip light under trailer.. Obviously a wire must of severed somewhere and touched metal, shorting out under bed!
It was just lucky it didnt happen whilst sleeping in it.
We had only taken it away for 5 nights a month before, shame it was a good camper.
Moral of story have an electrician check out the wiring and ensure no wires are exposed to metals.
We think that maybe going over rough road, something in trailer must have severed wire.
The fireman in attendance confirmed it was definately the battery the cause.
Lost all our camp gear, however to prospecting gear was with us so we were happy about that.
And we are here to tell the tale... :)
Hope it was insured mate. Camper Trailers are a great way to see the country. We have had ours for 3 years and love the lifestyle.
We go camping for 4 days each fortnight and have always free camped, like a permanent holiday house you can move where you want to.
For all that read this thread when researching CT's, a great place to start is .
Lots of knowledgeable friendly people.
And you are spot on jenmal, at least you and yours are here to tell the tale.
What a frightening experience that must have been. Glad the car wasn't still attached to the camper. There's a lot of ways to have a weekend spoiled, but that takes the cake. Really glad that nobody got hurt.

Cheers Wal. :(
Really sorry to hear about the camper. I am very happy that no one was hurt. If you need some camping gear I might have some old chairs or bits and pieces that you are welcome to. I might even have a dome tent if you would like it.
Keep smiling
Wow guys :eek: I assume was not next to the tent & vehicle , not a nice abrupt ending to a otherwise good weekend :(
Sorry to hear about what happened but at least you are all safe ! Hopefully you will get a big dose of good luck to make up for it !
Regards Bill :cool:
Sorry to here about your loss.
Happy that you both are ok.
Luck that you were in the river working.
Burst disc would have done the job it is supposed to do by venting the bottle.

Note too others make sure the cylinder is facing away from camper, caravan or your house.(the vent disc that is, is to be pointed into open air .
Stay safe.
my condolences to you both and hope something better comes your way.

I think we need to add something here with people using petrol pumps , just to be mindful when refilling that you dont spill any on a hot muffler , it happened to a friend when filling up a lawnmower once and she was in hospital for more than 5 years , had over 30 operations and skin grafts and still cant walk properly or go out in the sun.

cautionary tale to hang up on the walls of the memory bank for future reference.

best wishes all.